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Fixes path of certbot invocation for certificate renewal #1260

Closed aequitas closed 7 months ago

aequitas commented 7 months ago

Currently automatic HTTPS certificate renewal for the Nginx webserver is broken due to the certbot binary not being in PATH. This patch will fix this by using a absolute path to the installed binary.

A hotfix can be applied manually, if this patch cannot be deployed before a certificate runs out, by executing:

docker exec -ti internetnl-prod-webserver-1 /bin/sh -c '/opt/certbot/bin/certbot renew --post-hook "nginx -s reload"'
bwbroersma commented 7 months ago

Great you found out before Feb 14 10:21:08 2024 GMT :) Reminder to set up a cron action to monitor all these expiry things.

mxsasha commented 7 months ago

Just renewed it with the quick fix for production which buys us 3 months and set a reminder to review in time. Also removed the renewal config for which was still lingering (and failing, as we removed those hostnames).