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Bump required docker version #1331

Open bwbroersma opened 4 months ago

bwbroersma commented 4 months ago

The current requirement: Is no longer valid since this nice PR:

It will result in the error:

$ make up env=develop
docker compose  --env-file=docker/defaults.env --env-file=docker/develop.env --env-file=docker/local.env up --wait --no-build --remove-orphans 
validating configs.nginx_logs_exporter_config Additional property content is not allowed
make: *** [Makefile:430: up] Error 15

See the Configs top-level elements documentation:

:information_source: Note

environment and content attributes are available with Docker Compose version 2.23.1 and later.

This compose version is packaged in docker engine 25.0.0.

bwbroersma commented 4 months ago

Docker desktop should be at least 4.26.0 which includes Compose v2.23.3.