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`/connection/gettestid/` and `/connection/finished/$test_id` returns JSON as text/html #1422

Closed bwbroersma closed 3 weeks ago

bwbroersma commented 1 month ago

Risks of XSS.

How? Create a test, have XSS in the AS name of the IP or nameserver IP, send /connection/finished/$test_id to the victim. But since nothing really runs on http://conn. this is not really a security issue in this special case.

Probably change HttpResponse and json.dumps to JsonResponse.

Update: There does not seem to be ASN's with XSS in the name.

$ curl -sSfA 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; HumanWithCurl/0.1; +' --compressed | grep '<'
AS134084,Bani Networks LTD < Internet Service Provider >,Eyeball,BD
AS64052,Bani Networks LTD < Internet Service Provider >,Unknown,BD

Update2: according to @mxsasha IRRD 4 validates AS names and has some check in place to prevent XSS in AS names, so this almost gets impossible to abuse.

Update3: but as descr is used, this is not filtered as heavy, but apparently nobody has been able to put XSS in their as-desc?