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Suggested changes and future process HoF website and email #1448

Open wsslmn opened 3 days ago

wsslmn commented 3 days ago

The website redesign #1252 offers an opportunity to shape a new approach to the HoF and address older issues like an opt-out #363 for the HoF. Below the suggestions:

Merge of the email (15k entries) and website HoF (39k entries) into the Champions HoF

[favicon.ico] 29 juni 2024 | 🏆 - bekijk het testrapport

Steps to get your domain on the HoF

Promotion of the HoF and its champions**

Storing the tested domains keeps a register of all tested domains, a timestap for reaching 100% in both tests for the first time, and the opt-in for the HoF.

The Opt-out of the HoF entry In agreement with @dennisbaaten ( users get the opt-out for HoF after reaching 100% for the first time. This prevents abuse of domains already listed in the HoF, and opens the possibility of adding the domain to the HoF at a later moment. It should prevent requests for removal as much as possible.