The cache should rebuild in the background using the queue.
What happens:
Failed queue job with the following error message
Error | Argument 1 passed to internetztube\elementRelations\jobs\CreateRefreshElementRelationsJobsJob::internetztube\elementRelations\jobs{closure}() must be an instance of Tightenco\Collect\Support\Collection, instance of Illuminate\Support\Collection given, called in /home/forge/[projectname]/vendor/illuminate/collections/Traits/EnumeratesValues.php on line 242
System details
PHP version 7.4.26
Linux 5.4.0-88-generic
MySQL 5.5.5
Craft Pro
Element Relations 1.2.6
Other notes
Currently 21.77% of all elements, which have an Elements Relations-Field in their field layout, are cached.
In absolute terms this means 539 out of 2476 elements are cached.
Steps to reproduce:
Push Cache Refresh Job Into Queue
buttonWhat I expect:
The cache should rebuild in the background using the queue.
What happens:
Failed queue job with the following error message
System details
PHP version 7.4.26 Linux 5.4.0-88-generic MySQL 5.5.5 Craft Pro Element Relations 1.2.6
Other notes