interoberlin / blessed

Open Source Bluetooth Low Energy Stack for Nordic's nRF51822
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No rule to make target 'build/system_nrf51.o', needed by 'build/libblessed.a #1

Open matthiasbock opened 8 years ago

matthiasbock commented 8 years ago
$ git clone
$ cd blessed/
$ make PLATFORM=nrf51822 NRF51_SDK_PATH=../NordicSemiconductor/SDK/
make: *** No rule to make target 'build/system_nrf51.o', needed by 'build/libblessed.a'.  Stop.
matthiasbock commented 8 years ago

Reason: system_nrf51.c is not found and therefore not built, although needed. It's probably a problem with the NRF51_SDK_PATH.

Solution: Download the SDK or MDK from Nordic Semiconductor and copy the following files over:

Be advised: These files are BSD licensed.