interscript / rababa

Rababa, the diacritization library for Arabic and Hebrew (Abjad scripts in general)
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Productionize ruby code for interscript #39

Closed gilgameshjw closed 2 years ago

gilgameshjw commented 3 years ago

@webdev778 @ronaldtse

Task on Hebrew branch

ruby script.rb -m ../models-data/diacritization_model.onnx --t 'מה שלומך' ruby script.rb -m ../models-data/diacritization_model.onnx --f '../python/data/test/test.txt'

There is also a small sample data under rababa/example.

The hebrew diacritization model can be downloaded there

ronaldtse commented 3 years ago

@webdev778 can you help refactor Rababa Ruby in order to incorporate this? Thanks.

ronaldtse commented 3 years ago

@webdev778 @gilgameshjw this task seems to be already completed in #42 , correct? If so please help close this. Thanks.

webdev778 commented 2 years ago

yeah. already done