intersystems-community / ideas-and-innovations

InterSystems Developer Community Ideas and Requests for Innovative Solutions with InterSystems IRIS
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Data migration tool for IRIS to IRIS #62

Open joncard1 opened 3 years ago

joncard1 commented 3 years ago

When on boarding a new developer, we were setting up his DEV server on his laptop, and we ran into an issue (that we've seen before). Some of our data tables in PROD are data and those don't need to be ported, but some of the tables are reference tables (for instance, we maintain a list of regions and a list of cloud providers). These tables have a relationship, where each cloud provider has multiple regions, and these are references the application expects to be populated, but aren't necessarily "data" in the typical sense. But when migrating data from one server to the other, the ID fields are auto-generate only, and so migrating the tables by exporting to a CSV then importing the data on the new server doesn't preserve reference integrity. The exporting, importing, deleting, and trying again attempting to solve this problem got so repetitious, at one point we accidentally deleted all the rows in one of the tables in production, causing a cascading delete to a major data table. So that was frustrating. Previously got almost what I wanted from DBeaver in Eclipse when I used Atelier, but even SQLTools only allows export but not import. I don't know if that's the InterSystems driver for SQLTools, or a weakness of SQLTools itself, but this seems a strange missing piece of multiple-environment management. A migration tool that preserved reference integrity would be very helpful (even if the IDs have to change). Thank you.

evshvarov commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @joncard1! Looks like an important feature request

evshvarov commented 2 years ago

Could you please reintroduce the idea on the InterSystems Ideas portal? Use InterSystems SSO to sign in.