intersystems-community / intersystems-servermanager

VS Code helper extension defining connections to InterSystems servers
MIT License
13 stars 12 forks source link

Can't have multiple isfs connections to the same real server with different credentials (via different intersystems.server entries) #235

Open isc-tleavitt opened 3 months ago

isc-tleavitt commented 3 months ago

I have a workspace defined with two entries in intersystems.servers pointing to the same host/port/scheme but with different usernames. Trying to use an isfs folder with each of the server definitions, it seems that both are picking up the same username.

Is this expected / am I just trying to do something crazy? (Not sure if this falls here or in the main VSCode extension - feel free to move / redirect.)

Using the latest version of all extensions as of now: intersystems-servermanager: v3.6.2 vscode-objectscript: v2.12.7

isc-bsaviano commented 3 months ago

@isc-tleavitt I couldn't reproduce this. Here's the server settings and code-workspace that worked for me:

"intersystems.servers": {
        "iris": {
            "webServer": {
                "scheme": "http",
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 52773,
                "pathPrefix": "/iris"
            "username": "_SYSTEM",
            "password": "<pwd>"
        "local": {
            "webServer": {
                "scheme": "http",
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 52773,
                "pathPrefix": "/iris"
            "username": "SuperUser",
            "password": "<pwd>"
        "/default": "iris"
    "folders": [
            "name": "iris:%SYS",
            "uri": "isfs://iris:%sys/"
            "name": "local:USER",
            "uri": "isfs://local:user/"
    "settings": {
        "editor.insertSpaces": true,
        "editor.tabSize": 4,
        "editor.detectIndentation": false,
        //"intersystems.language-server.trace.server": "verbose",
        "objectscript.showExplorer": false
    "launch": {
        "configurations": [
                "name": "Attach",
                "type": "objectscript",
                "request": "attach"