interwebsug / photo-editor-sdk-react-native

React Native implementation of the photoeditorsdk (
The Unlicense
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PESDK.openCamera is undefined #18

Open MuhammadUsman786786 opened 4 years ago

MuhammadUsman786786 commented 4 years ago


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I have reviewed the code of the PESEK module. PESEK module file

import { Component } from 'react';
import { Configuration } from './configuration';

declare class PESDK {
   * Modally present a photo editor.
   * @note EXIF meta data is only preserved in the edited image if and only if the source
   * image is loaded from a local `file://` resource.
   * @param {string | {uri: string} | number} image The source of the image to be edited.
   * Can be either an URI (local, remote, data resource, or any other registered scheme for the
   * React Native image loader), an object with a member `uri`, or an asset reference which can
   * be optained by, e.g., `require('./image.png')` as `number`. If this parameter is `null`,
   * the `serialization` parameter must not be `null` and it must contain an embedded source image.
   * @param {Configuration} configuration The configuration used to initialize the editor.
   * @param {object} serialization The serialization used to initialize the editor. This
   * restores a previous state of the editor by re-applying all modifications to the loaded
   * image.
   * @return {Promise<{image: string, hasChanges: boolean, serialization: object}>} Returns the
   * edited `image`, an indicator (`hasChanges`) whether the input image was modified at all, and
   * all modifications (`serialization`) applied to the input image if `export.serialization.enabled`
   * of the `configuration` was set. If the editor is dismissed without exporting the edited image
   * `null` is returned instead.
  static openEditor(
    image: string | {uri: string} | number,
    configuration: Configuration,
    serialization: object
  ): Promise<{image: string, hasChanges: boolean, serialization: object}>

   * Unlock PhotoEditor SDK with a license.
   * @param {string | object} license The license used to unlock the SDK. Can be either an URI
   * pointing to a local `file://` resource that contains the license, the license as a string,
   * or the license as an object which can be optained by, e.g., `require('./pesdk_license')`
   * where the required license files must be named `./pesdk_license.ios.json` for the iOS license
   * and `./` for the Android license file in order to get automatically
   * resolved by the packager.
  static unlockWithLicense(
    license: string | object
  ): void

   * Creates a configuration object populated with default values for all options.
   * @return {Configuration} The default configuration.
  static createDefaultConfiguration(
  ): Configuration

 * Props for the `PhotoEditorModal` component.
interface PhotoEditorModalProps {
   * This prop determines whether your modal is visible.
  visible: boolean;

   * This prop determines the source of the image to be edited.
   * Can be either an URI (local, remote, data resource, or any other registered scheme for the
   * React Native image loader), an object with a member `uri`, or an asset reference which can
   * be optained by, e.g., `require('./image.png')` as `number`.
   * If this prop is `null`, the `serialization` prop must not be `null` and it must contain an
   * embedded source image.
   * @note EXIF meta data is only preserved in the edited image if and only if the source
   * image is loaded from a local `file://` resource.
  image?: string | {uri: string} | number;

   * This prop determines the configuration used to initialize the editor.
  configuration?: Configuration;

   * This prop determines the serialization used to initialize the editor. This
   * restores a previous state of the editor by re-applying all modifications to the loaded
   * image.
  serialization?: object;

   * This prop determines the callback function that will be called when the user exported an image.
   * The object passed to this callback includes the edited `image`, an indicator (`hasChanges`) whether
   * the input image was modified at all, and all modifications (`serialization`) applied to the input image
   * if `export.serialization.enabled` of the `configuration` prop was set.
  onExport: ({image: string, hasChanges: boolean, serialization: object}) => void;

   * This prop determines the callback function that will be called when the user dissmisses the editor without
   * exporting an image.
  onCancel?: () => void;

   * This prop determines the callback function that will be called when an error occurs.
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;

 * State for the `PhotoEditorModal` component.
interface PhotoEditorModalState {
   * This state determines whether the modal is visible.
  visible: boolean;

 * A component that wraps the `PESDK.openEditor` function to modally present a photo editor.
declare class PhotoEditorModal extends Component<PhotoEditorModalProps, PhotoEditorModalState> {}

export { PESDK, PhotoEditorModal };
export * from './configuration';

Issue According to the documentation which is on this link

PESDK.openCamera method exists But you can see inside the module this method does not exist.

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 - 2020-04-22 at 06 04 22

vannguyendev96 commented 3 years ago

Hello, have you fixed this error yet?

vannguyendev96 commented 3 years ago

I use react-native-photoeditorsdk in project RN.

I can use funtion openEditor but can't use funtion openCamera.

Error TypeError: _$$_REQUIRE(dependencyMap[5], "react-native-photoeditorsdk").PESDK.openCamera is not a function. (In '$$_REQUIRE(dependencyMap[5], "react-native-photoeditorsdk").PESDK.openCamera(configuration)', '$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[5], "react-native-photoeditorsdk").PESDK.openCamera' is undefined)

How to fix it? Pls