intesar / Fx-Test-Data

0 stars 2 forks source link

Fx : project_create_valid #842

Open intesar opened 6 years ago

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=M2Q3OGUzODMtOWE3OS00YWM2LWEwOTctNWJjMDI1NDI1ZWI5; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Tue, 24 Apr 2018 19:26:04 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-pe", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-24T19:26:04.491+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-pe] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=OTdjZTE5YjgtOWZkNC00ZDljLWI5MTYtYzM0ZTI5YzliMDU5; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Tue, 24 Apr 2018 19:30:21 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-7Z", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-24T19:30:22.326+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-7Z] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YzhjYzZlMjEtZTg0NS00NmEyLTg3OWQtOTg2MTkzYWViMGI1; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Tue, 24 Apr 2018 19:55:55 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-nv", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-24T19:55:55.639+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-nv] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NGM3MTkxZWUtNzE2NC00ZmVmLTlmYWItZTAwNWM1MzE2YTRh; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Tue, 24 Apr 2018 20:24:07 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-4m", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-24T20:24:08.870+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-4m] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NWNiNTgzNDctNjQ3Ni00NDU5LWJiMjItYjExNDk3YzE4YmFk; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Tue, 24 Apr 2018 20:33:37 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Zk", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-24T20:33:37.204+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Zk] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NjQyNjNhMDYtMWUyOC00ZmMzLWIxYWYtNDg3NzBjNWRmYmQz; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Tue, 24 Apr 2018 21:34:32 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Vb", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-24T21:34:33.787+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Vb] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=ZDIyNWI1MmUtOTEyYi00M2MwLWIxNzAtODlmZmRlZDA3NWJj; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Tue, 24 Apr 2018 22:33:38 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-lu", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-24T22:33:38.839+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-lu] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YWVmODc4MzctMzg5ZS00MGQwLTkwNGUtMmRlZGMxMWExOGQx; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Tue, 24 Apr 2018 23:34:02 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-9e", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-24T23:34:03.078+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-9e] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YzZhZGIwZmYtNjcwZi00NzQwLTkzMjAtOGM2Yzk0ZjFmMWVk; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 00:35:24 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-D4", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T00:35:24.936+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-D4] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=OWViYTZlMWQtOTAyYy00NmQxLTllYzUtMzY0ZTkwYTcwMGU0; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 01:34:00 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-NO", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T01:34:00.856+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-NO] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=ZWEzZTdlNWUtMDhjOS00YjI4LWEwZTMtOGEwYTFlMDQzYWM3; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 02:35:28 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-M1", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T02:35:29.067+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-M1] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YmE4YmY5NzUtYzhlYy00YmM5LWFmZjUtYTMxYmJkMTk3NGNh; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 03:34:35 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-47", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T03:34:36.167+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-47] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=OWQzOGRlMjAtYmRlNC00ZTExLTlkOGQtNWI4ZjAxODVhZGY3; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 04:34:08 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Pl", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T04:34:08.964+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Pl] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NzA5YWZmNWYtMjZlOS00YWQwLWIxYzEtOWE2M2U2MTkwZjhl; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 05:33:40 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-bZ", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T05:33:41.469+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-bZ] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MjQxYmVhOGQtNTdmZS00NDI4LWJhNGYtZjlhNzhkYjAzNzcw; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 06:34:08 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-5L", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T06:34:09.213+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-5L] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NTBiMWZiZTQtZGNlNy00OTU4LWFjZGUtYWI1MGY0YTRiNzk2; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 07:34:29 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-rt", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T07:34:29.268+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-rt] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NWVhMTIzZGQtN2U1MC00NDZkLTk2NTctY2UxODZkNzJjZjg0; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 08:33:42 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-b6", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T08:33:42.380+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-b6] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=ZGJlZDA5NjItNjFkYy00NTFjLWFhOWMtNTM0YzUxMGFlYzVl; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 09:33:56 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-l3", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T09:33:56.201+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-l3] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MGM2ZmUyMzUtZDM5Ny00NDNlLWFlY2EtOWQwNWRhNTVlNzc5; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 10:33:23 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-TU", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T10:33:23.677+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-TU] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MzgzYmQzZWItOGU0Yi00NjFhLTgxNTItYzFhYWFhMmZkN2Iz; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 11:33:50 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Ir", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T11:33:51.073+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Ir] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=N2VlOTg5NTUtYTVjYy00NWQ0LTkxMzctODQ4OWRhODFlZDRi; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 12:34:59 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-3s", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T12:35:00.456+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-3s] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=ZDBhM2NmNTktYjcxMy00OTYzLWExMGItYWJkYWUzYzU4OTdl; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 13:33:51 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-c7", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T13:33:51.894+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-c7] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YmZhMmYzNTAtYzY0Yi00NDA1LTljNWItMWNjNTI0YmZmNWQ2; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 14:34:38 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-FM", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T14:34:39.764+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-FM] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NTAxMTNmNTQtYTRlNS00YjZlLWE3ZDgtNjMyZjMxY2I0MDZj; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 15:34:01 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-AW", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T15:34:01.356+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-AW] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MDZmODZhM2YtOGVkYi00NDZiLTlmY2EtODAxMmRhNGNiNTAz; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 16:33:41 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-D9", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T16:33:41.898+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-D9] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MTA3NzdhMzAtZDY2Ni00NDVhLThhY2EtODc0YWYwNDRjYzJk; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 17:34:27 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-eS", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T17:34:27.019+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-eS] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NmZkYTY3ZGYtYTM5OS00NDU2LTk1MTYtMzJjODcyZGQyYTcx; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:33:43 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-lw", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T18:33:43.330+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-lw] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=OWI2ZWJhYjctZTZhNy00NjIyLTlhYmEtZjE2YjA2ODc5NGUw; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 19:33:52 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-25", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T19:33:53.382+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-25] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=ZjMyNjNmMGUtNjU3Ni00ODg3LTkxZjYtZTNhYjRjYmY2Njcy; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 20:35:12 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Fh", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T20:35:12.928+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Fh] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MWIxODdiNWQtMTM3Mi00YWUyLTgzODktYTJmOTUwOTQ2OGU3; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 21:33:51 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-0N", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T21:33:52.471+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-0N] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=OTQ3MzM4NTctODAzZS00NjI4LThhODItNDg5N2EyODIzNTAy; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 22:34:43 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-t8", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T22:34:43.154+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-t8] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NWE4Y2MwNjEtNmU0ZS00ZTkyLTgxODktZjBlN2M3ZTljNDU0; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Wed, 25 Apr 2018 23:33:29 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-O3", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-25T23:33:30.279+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-O3] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=ZDliZTVlNGEtYWVhNy00MzFlLTgyYjgtZjA0M2VmOTY5NzJj; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 00:33:41 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-TV", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T00:33:42.351+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-TV] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MzUzNGYzNGItZDY5Yy00NzBhLTkyZWMtNGI3ZWY0OGU4NWZi; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 01:33:57 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-iP", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T01:33:58.694+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-iP] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=ZWQ3NTgyMDEtYWRiZC00YzI3LWJkMmItZmQ2OGUwNzRjNmI4; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 02:33:40 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Yk", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T02:33:40.318+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Yk] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MWNhMWUyNjgtNGFlNy00ODIyLTkwYTUtOTNiNTE1NjYxYjEx; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 03:34:40 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-3C", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T03:34:41.273+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-3C] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MjZiZjQwNzktMzQ1OC00Njg2LWEwZmUtYTVhNWI3NDk2NTRj; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 04:33:44 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-PG", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T04:33:44.409+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-PG] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=ZmZjY2Q2M2QtMzkyZC00ZDhlLTliNzItZTFlOTVhNDBjNzIz; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 05:33:58 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-0t", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T05:33:59.933+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-0t] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MTc2NTVhMGEtMjIyNi00NWM5LWJlN2MtYzNjMTI0YjI0MTFk; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 06:34:22 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-n2", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T06:34:22.742+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-n2] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NDUzOWI0M2YtZDIwMC00MTRkLTk0YjktZmFmY2YxMzdlMjUx; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 07:34:02 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Uf", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T07:34:02.812+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Uf] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YTBhMDI3N2EtZTllYy00YWQzLTk0ZDUtN2JjMmI4MDA3YmNi; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 08:33:56 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-OS", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T08:33:57.523+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-OS] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NTgyZDdjOWMtZTg3MC00ZmU1LTgxMjQtMGFlYjVhZjk0MzRk; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 09:33:18 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-0k", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T09:33:18.288+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-0k] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NDc1NGY3YjktM2MxMy00MjFkLWI5YjAtNjMwNWFjNzAyZTEy; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 10:34:00 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-3a", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T10:34:00.068+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-3a] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=OTk4OWYwMWYtY2NhMC00Yzg5LWJhYTItYWZkZTFlMTVmMmE2; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 11:33:57 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-aO", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T11:33:57.626+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-aO] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=M2ZhZTIyMWUtODdjNC00ZWE5LWJmNGQtOGNhNDQ5MWRlNmM5; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 12:33:45 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-ng", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T12:33:46.242+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-ng] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MWUwMDgxOTEtZDUwZC00Y2UyLWI0YWYtZjk1NzdlOWFjYjA1; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 13:33:44 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Fh", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T13:33:44.534+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Fh] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YTUzOTk5ZTktMDE0Mi00ZGNjLTkwMGQtOWZiZDI0YzZlNTQ4; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 14:33:58 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Lb", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T14:33:59.272+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Lb] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=YzM5ODQwNDAtZmU3My00ZTdmLWJmNTMtODE0ZmNlNTU1Yjcx; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 15:33:53 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Xd", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T15:33:54.156+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Xd] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=M2ZlNGYwZTQtMmFmZC00NWQxLTkyZTYtYTc0NTA1NTY0OTc2; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 16:34:00 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-na", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T16:34:00.904+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-na] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MTFkMTUzMzgtMzkyYy00Y2UyLWIzZmYtMjYzZjA1NzVjMGM3; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 17:34:23 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-Xs", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T17:34:24.793+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-Xs] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]

intesar commented 6 years ago

Project : Fx

Job : Stg

Env : Stg

Region : FxLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=MTNlYTU0YjctODVhMS00MWJjLWFlNjctNzVhNDc5MDY1MDY2; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Thu, 26 Apr 2018 18:34:03 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :
{ "name" : "Test-9e", "description" : "SD-Test example", "org" : { "id" : "8a80829061c17be10161c189993d0001" } }

Response :
{ "requestId" : "None", "requestTime" : "2018-04-26T18:34:03.447+0000", "errors" : true, "messages" : [ { "type" : "ERROR", "key" : "", "value" : "Project's GIT URL cannot be empty" } ], "data" : null, "totalPages" : 1, "totalElements" : 1 }

Logs :
Assertion [ ==] failed, expected value [Test-9e] but found []Assertion [ == @Request.description] failed, expected value [SD-Test example] but found []Assertion [@Response.errors == false] failed, expected value [false] but found [true]Assertion [@StatusCode == 200] passed, expected [200] and found [200]