intfloat / SimKGC

ACL 2022, SimKGC: Simple Contrastive Knowledge Graph Completion with Pre-trained Language Models
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How to use model file locally instead of linking to Huggingface? How to modify the code? #39

Open PoisonousBromineChan opened 9 months ago

PoisonousBromineChan commented 9 months ago

Hello, due to the server not being able to access the internet and connect to the huggingface, I can only download the model and run it on the server. May I ask how to modify the code when using local model files for training and evaluation? My bert base uncased folder is located in the ./hfl/bert-base-uncased folder. 你好,由于服务器不能翻墙上网,连不上huggingface,我只能下载好模型放到服务器中运行。请问使用本地模型文件进行训练与评估,代码该怎么改?我的bert-base-uncased文件夹放在项目./hfl/bert-base-uncased文件夹中。

yw3l commented 9 months ago

in method 'build_tokenizer' of '' file.

PoisonousBromineChan commented 9 months ago

好的,谢谢!另外,我想咨询一下,如果用华东理工大学的医疗数据(数据下载链接该怎么修改代码?整个SimKGC项目是否适用于其他数据集? Okay, thank you! Also, I would like to inquire about using medical data from East China University of Science and Technology (data download link) )How to modify the code? Is the entire SimKGC project applicable to other datasets? image