intigriti / misconfig-mapper

Misconfig Mapper is a fast tool to help you uncover security misconfigurations on popular third-party services used by your company and/or bug bounty targets!
MIT License
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Unsure if bug but reporting multiple false positives #8

Closed nopcorn closed 1 month ago

nopcorn commented 1 month ago

I ran a quick check against Slack and Google CloudStore, it found many (all?) issues, but confirming each one shows that a 404 was sent. Here's the output with a random company string:

$ ./misconfig-mapper -target "2948fy2we30d9jg" -service 4 -delay 1000
[+] Checking 49 possible target URLs...
[+] 1 Google CloudStorage Bucket Misconfigured Read Permissions Instance found!
Service: Google CloudStorage Bucket Misconfigured Read Permissions
Description: GCP Storage Bucket can be left misconfigured and allow anyone to access files and objects potentially containing sensitive data if access permissions aren't properly enforced


Connecting manually to that endpoint shows a 404:

$ curl -vvv -k
< HTTP/2 404 
< content-type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
< content-length: 133
< date: Fri, 10 May 2024 11:37:54 GMT
< expires: Fri, 10 May 2024 11:37:54 GMT
< cache-control: private, max-age=0
< server: UploadServer
* Connection #0 to host left intact
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>NoSuchBucket</Code><Message>The specified bucket does not exist.</Message></Error>

Running the latest release on 64 bit Linux

0xblackbird commented 1 month ago

Hi @nopcorn

Thank you for your feedback!

A more robust filter to check for misconfigured GCP read permissions will be included in the next release.

I will leave this issue open for now until a new release is available (probably before the end of this week).

0xblackbird commented 1 month ago

Hey @nopcorn!

A fix is available now! You can update your templates using the -update-templates flag:

./misconfig-mapper -update-templates

Thank you for your contributions!