intika / Librefox

Librefox: Firefox with privacy enhancements
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Add a wiki page #111

Closed shreyasminocha closed 5 years ago

shreyasminocha commented 5 years ago

Could we move documentation for the rules in mozilla.cfg out of the file and instead use either docs/rules with markdown files or Github's wiki feature (I personally prefer the former)? This would make going through the rules much easier. Permalinking to a certain Librefox-modified rule's documentation would be easier. Scrolling through the mozilla.cfg when you're looking for something specific would be easier. It would be easy to later use the markdown docs to generate html docs for use on the website. Besides separation of concerns is usually a good thing anyway.

I could work on this if approved.

Edit: Here's an example —

intika commented 5 years ago

Thanks you Shreyas,

The idea here is to keep the focus on important things that would make the project as less time consuming as possible, maintaining a wiki page could become a huge work if you have to add documentation about more than 1000 settings, and i even did mention the updates it needs over time...

So short answer:

Any way there are already some wiki sections in the main readme page, if we just add some question/answer on the github wiki that would be enough for the current situation.

Let me know what you are planning to do :)

intika commented 5 years ago

initial wiki introduced here i will update/add content later on, a task for it is added here ;)