intitni / CopilotForXcode

The missing GitHub Copilot, Codeium and ChatGPT Xcode Source Editor Extension
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[Help Wanted]: Keyboard shortcuts no longer working from Xcode to Codeium. #438

Open bretlindquist opened 4 months ago

bretlindquist commented 4 months ago

Before Reporting

Describe your issue

After installation everything was fine. I was able to set the key bindings in Xcode and use them as you would expect. I had set " Shift + Option + ] " or " Shift + } " initially to accept, as recommended and it worked well. Then for some reason, it just stopped working.
When it hit " Shift + Option + ] " now it produces a ’ instead of accepting. Right now Xcode seems to be the only app that returns alt codes when i use this button combination. Some setting in Xcode seems to have changed. Let me know if anyone else has experienced this or if you have any ideas. Thanks.

Update: I have tried to replace the keyboard layout as instructed below and it does not produce special characters anymore. However no binding I make in Xcode works for me anymore with Codeium.

intitni commented 4 months ago

I have heard from others having the same issue. It could be a bug in Xcode. When the issue happens, can you still see the key combination noted next to the "Accept Suggestion" menu item? Is the menu item still clickable? Is there a key binding conflict?

All I can suggest now is to try other key bindings.

bretlindquist commented 4 months ago

I've tried countless other combinations of bindings, nothing seems to work. it does seem like a bug in Xcode. It's strange, because it did work when i initially set it up.

intitni commented 4 months ago

There is another way to set up a keybinding for a menu item outside of Xcode. I think it's more reliable.

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 23 24 42
bretlindquist commented 4 months ago

Okay, Now we may be at the heart of the issue. For some reason, I do not have Editor->Copilot in my menu in Xcode. Again strange because I see the dialogue and had it working at one point.

I am on Xcode 14.2 MacOS 12.7.3

intitni commented 4 months ago

Please make sure that the Xcode source editor extension is enabled.

bretlindquist commented 4 months ago

That last suggestion combined with your other recommendation fixed it for me!

If Xcode Extensions are not in the system prefs extensions list, this worked for me: Rename Xcode to Xcode10, launch Xcode10 then quit. Rename Xcode10 back to Xcode.

Actually after step 1, "System Prefs - > Extensions" back to normal, but I just want the default app name back."

After that I still could not use the key bindings in Xcode, but setting the app shortcut bindings did work.

Thanks for your fast replies and spot on suggestions.