intlify / vue-i18n-jest

:globe_with_meridians: vue-jest wrapper for i18n custom blocks
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change to monorepo structure? #42

Open kazupon opened 2 years ago

kazupon commented 2 years ago

vue-i18n-jest should be supported for Vue 2 / Vue 3 and jest 26 / jest 27 like vue-jest.

Originally posted by @kazupon in

kazupon commented 2 years ago

@PeterAlfredLee If you are interested in this issue, you can lead it. :)

PeterAlfredLee commented 2 years ago

Sure. I will have a look at this first.

nogic1008 commented 2 years ago

@kazupon I've change vue-jest to monorepo in vuejs/vue-jest#360 and vuejs/vue-jest#361, so I can help.

kazupon commented 2 years ago

@nogic1008 We're glad to hear your comments. I've just invited intlify organization you can work on at test-tools team :)

PeterAlfredLee commented 2 years ago

Hi @nogic1008 @kazupon I have pushed a new branch mono_repo. Please have a look.

kazupon commented 2 years ago

@PeterAlfredLee Thanks!

Based on the monorepo you prepared, I think we should prepare one for each version of jest 26/27, like vue-jest.

For the Vue 2 / Vue 3 version, I think vue-i18n-jest can support it with monorepo. Because we can use the version. for example, vue-i18n-jest@v1.x is Vue 2 and vue-i18n-jest@v2.x is Vue 3.

@nogic1008 What do you think about it?

nogic1008 commented 2 years ago


Version matrix of vuejs/vue-jest is here. vue jest vue-jest
2.x 27.x @vue/vue2-jest@27
3.x 27.x @vue/vue3-jest@27
2.x 28.x @vue/vue2-jest@28
3.x 28.x @vue/vue3-jest@28
So this package should be like this: vue-jest vue-i18n-jest
@vue/vue2-jest@27.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@27
@vue/vue3-jest@27.x @intlify/vue3-i18n-jest@27
@vue/vue2-jest@28.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@28
@vue/vue3-jest@28.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@28
kazupon commented 2 years ago

@nogic1008 Thank you for your advice comment!

I think jest@v28 have not been released yet :sweat_smile: So, I think vue version matrix of jest version is like this:

vue-jest vue-i18n-jest
@vue/vue2-jest@26.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@26
@vue/vue3-jest@26.x @intlify/vue3-i18n-jest@26
@vue/vue2-jest@27.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@27
@vue/vue3-jest@27.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@27
nogic1008 commented 2 years ago
@kazupon @vue/vueN-jest does not have version that support jest@26.x. So matrix is: vue jest vue-jest vue-i18n-jest
2.x 26.x vue-jest@4.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@26
3.x 26.x vue-jest@5.x @intlify/vue3-i18n-jest@26
2.x 27.x @vue/vue2-jest@27.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@27
3.x 27.x @vue/vue3-jest@27.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@27
kazupon commented 2 years ago

@nogic1008 Thanks! Your matrix is very easy to understand. I think the monorepo structure is no issue it.

Now, we need to get this PR merged. I sent this PR a few months ago, maybe we need additional work for this PR.

nogic1008 commented 2 years ago
@kazupon @vue/vueN-jest@26 has been released, and vuejs/vue-jest#364 has been merged. so matrix is now: vue jest vue-jest vue-i18n-jest
2.x 26.x @vue/vue2-jest@26.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@26
3.x 26.x none (@vue/vue3-jest@26.x does not support custom block) none
2.x 27.x @vue/vue2-jest@27.x @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@27
3.x 27.x @vue/vue3-jest@^27.0.0-alpha.4 @intlify/vue2-i18n-jest@27
kazupon commented 2 years ago

@nogic1008 Thank you for your mentioning! For me, the matrix makes sense Okay, Let's try to go next step!