into-the-jungle / PrimateMod

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Project Versioning #3

Open matshou opened 5 years ago

matshou commented 5 years ago

The current plan is to start with version 0.1 and increment it by 0.1 for each subsequent version. The intermediate versions need to be padded out so that version 1.0 implements apes.

Here is a list of proposed versions by @Bastion14:

Bastion14 commented 5 years ago

Possible ideas such as 0.1.1 or 0.10 can exist. For any bug testing or any additional things to add in those intermediate versions. The main 0.1 and 0.2 versions are the foundation for each intermediate version. 0.10 and onwards can be anything that adds any missing things. 0.1.1 could be minor tweaks, bugfixes, etc.