intoolswetrust / jsignpdf

PDF signing software written in Java. It supports visible signatures, timestamping, certificate verification and many other cool features
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One working piece of timestamping settings please #181

Open NextTherapist opened 3 months ago

NextTherapist commented 3 months ago


I never managed to create only one valid timestamp with JsignPDF. My installation: JsignPDF 2.2.2 on Windows 10 64 bit.

Could somebody please tell me one TSA URL working in JsignPDF without error? I tried different ones, with and without OCSP/CRL settings, but I always get the same error:

`INFO Erzeuge Signatur INFO Setze Zertifizierungsstufe INFO Bearbeite (es kann ein wenig länger dauern) ... INFO TSA-Client erstellen. INFO Einstellung des TSA Hash-Algorithmus: sha256 SEVERE Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten java.lang.NullPointerException: 'identifier' cannot be null at org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier.(Unknown Source) at com.lowagie.text.pdf.TSAClientBouncyCastle.getTimeStampToken( at com.lowagie.text.pdf.TSAClientBouncyCastle.getTimeStampToken( at com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPKCS7.getEncodedPKCS7( at net.sf.jsignpdf.SignerLogic.signFile( at at java.base/ Source)

INFO Fertig: Erzeugen der Signatur fehlgeschlagen.`

Thank you.

NextTherapist commented 3 months ago

Is this project still alive? There seems not to be a sign of life for months.

JohnPlanetary commented 2 months ago

The program is working fine. And yes, the author is still updating it when really necessary, but without making any promises that will do it.

Before anything else be sure to enter the hash name properly! It is case sensitive! sha256 is not the same as SHA256! Use: SHA512 SHA384 SHA256

Personally I recommend to always use SHA512 unless it gives some error, then you try SHA384, and if it still gives errors try SHA256.

TSA URL that work? Recognized in Europe (Adobe), for example: 1) 2)

Recognize worldwide (Adobe), for example: 1) 2)

Remember your personal certificate (from the National ID card, or whatever) may also failed if the CRL/ OCSP of those are not available, make sure you authorized the Java program to access the internet, if in doubt turn off the firewall. You can get an updated Java program for free for example at: if you have Java from Oracle either have that (updated) or the Adoptium one, but don't use both at the same time.

In the OCSP you don't enter any URL unless your provider explicitly says you need to enter some URL on JSignPDF for it to work. Usually the program will use anything that the certificates indicate.

NextTherapist commented 2 months ago

@JohnPlanetary Thank you! That made it!

But perhaps the two GUIs should offer two dropdown lists like on the top pages for hash algorithms. Just to prevent fools like us from selecting the wrong SHA256 hash algorithms. They look very similar and the error messages are not so enlightening in our views. :D

JohnPlanetary commented 2 months ago

Not sure why it is not drop down menu, maybe to immediately support any other future algorithm that the Java program supports and is compatible with PDF.