intrig-unicamp / mininet-wifi

Emulator for Software-Defined Wireless Networks
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Station takes more time between 2 points in mininet-wifi graph than expected. #514

Closed 14vv1A0516 closed 7 months ago

14vv1A0516 commented 7 months ago
from mn_wifi.cli import CLI
from import Mininet_wifi
from mn_wifi.node import OVSKernelAP, UserAP
from import wmediumd, _4address
from mn_wifi.wmediumdConnector import interference
from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
from mininet.term import makeTerm 
from import TCLink 
from mininet.node import OVSKernelSwitch, RemoteController
import os, time

def topology():

    net = Mininet_wifi (allAutoAssociation=True, controller= RemoteController, accessPoint=OVSKernelAP, link=wmediumd, wmediumd_mode=interference) #accessPoint= UserAP)

    info ("Creating nodes ---- \n")

    sta1 = net.addStation ("sta1", wlans=1, mac="00:00:00:00:00:01", ip="", range=4) 

    net.setPropagationModel (model="logDistance", exp=4.3)

    info ("**** Configuring Wifi Nodes \n")

    info ("**** Associating and Creating links \n") 

    net.plotGraph (max_x=200, max_y=80)
    net.startMobility (time=0, seed=1, model='logDistance', ac_method='ssf') 
    net.mobility (sta1, 'start', time=10, position="2,40,0") 
    net.mobility (sta1, 'stop', time=40, position="180,40,0") 

    net.stopMobility (time=400)
    info ("**** Starting network \n") ()

    info ("**** Running CLI \n")

    info ("**** Stopping network \n")
    net.stop ()

if __name__ == '__main__' :
    setLogLevel ('info')

As per the above code, sta1 should move from (x1, y1) = (2, 40) to (x2, y2) = (180,40) in 30 seconds. This means speed of the sta1 is 178 m/ 30 sec = 6 m/sec. But when I check time it takes more than 120 seconds. Please help where I am going wrong.


ramonfontes commented 7 months ago

I cannot confirm that issue. Sta1 takes 30sec to reach the destination. Please make sure you have a multi core system. Otherwise, python multiprocessing won´t work properly.