introdsci / DataScience-bolson10

DataScience-bolson10 created by GitHub Classroom
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Final Review #7

Open asheelamagwili opened 4 years ago

asheelamagwili commented 4 years ago


Data Preparation

In the first deliverable the tables developed are (1) state revenue data and school districts. Brenndan chose to focus on the fall attendance, transportation, and school lunch by district as well as state revenue by county. In the second deliverable a new dataset is introduced that informs us on district rankings in 2017. (2) The portfolio demonstrates that the data is organized neatly in each table and easy to read. I can properly comprehend what each dataset contains and what it is telling us as readers. the visuals of how the data looks it's cleaned form in relation to each other helps well with understanding what we have. (3) The portfolio demonstrates cleaned data that is easy to read and understand.



R Proficiency

Weaknesses - The markdown formatting of the portfolio was a bit hard to read. Paragraph after paragraph was difficult to follow along with. Maybe taking advantage of the markdown formatting would make the look/aesthetic of your portfolio easier to read. *


Critical Thinking

bolson10 commented 4 years ago

Data Preparation and Modeling (your score out of 20%)


All data is clean and tidy, and the models were properly created/tested

Validation and Operationalization (your score out of 20%)


Cross-validation is used, and explains the reason for doing so. The future is discussed in detail if this research was to continue.

R Proficiency (your score out of 20%)


No "awkward" code, and everything is reusable and relevant.

Communication (your score out of 20%)


Most of it is very easy to read and describes what is being done. Some parts are a little dull.

Critical Thinking (your score out of 20%)


Analysis of models/graphs contains meaningful insights and raises relevant questions. Insights about the implications and consequences are referenced.