introlab / odas

ODAS: Open embeddeD Audition System
MIT License
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How to read SSL from other machine? #89

Open surebak opened 6 years ago

surebak commented 6 years ago

Hi, Thanks for developing this nice tool. I really appreciate it.

What I want to achieve is sending SSL(sound source localization) information to other machine using respeaker 4 mic array with raspberry pi.

So, my basic understanding is ODAS can send JSON data through websocket. isn't that right?

But I keep seeing this message

pi@raspberrypi:~/odas/bin $ sudo ./odaslive -c respeaker_4_mic_array.cfg
Sink pots: Cannot connect to server

And my configuration is like below

# Configuration file for ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array (a hat for Raspberry Pi)

version = "2.1";

# Raw


    fS = 16000;
    hopSize = 128;
    nBits = 32;
    nChannels = 4; 

    # Input with raw signal from microphones
    interface: {
        type = "soundcard";
        card = 2;
        device = 0;


# Mapping


    map: (1, 2, 3, 4);


# General


    epsilon = 1E-20;

        hopSize = 128;
        frameSize = 256;

        mu = 16000;
        sigma2 = 0.01;

        mu = 343.0;
        sigma2 = 25.0;

    mics = (

        # Microphone 1
            mu = ( -0.0405, +0.0000, +0.0000 ); 
            sigma2 = ( +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000 );
            direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
            angle = ( 80.0, 90.0 );

        # Microphone 2
            mu = ( +0.0000, +0.0405, +0.0000 ); 
            sigma2 = ( +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000 );
            direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
            angle = ( 80.0, 90.0 );

        # Microphone 3
            mu = ( +0.0405, +0.0000, +0.0000 ); 
            sigma2 = ( +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000 );
            direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
            angle = ( 80.0, 90.0 );

        # Microphone 4
            mu = ( +0.0000, -0.0405, +0.0000 ); 
            sigma2 = ( +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000 );
            direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
            angle = ( 80.0, 90.0 );


    # Spatial filters to include only a range of direction if required
    # (may be useful to remove false detections from the floor, or
    # limit the space search to a restricted region)
    spatialfilters = (


            direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
            angle = (80.0, 90.0);



    nThetas = 181;
    gainMin = 0.25;


# Stationnary noise estimation


    b = 3;
    alphaS = 0.1;
    L = 150;
    delta = 3.0;
    alphaD = 0.1;


# Sound Source Localization


    nPots = 4;
    nMatches = 10;
    probMin = 0.5;
    nRefinedLevels = 1;
    interpRate = 4;

    # Number of scans: level is the resolution of the sphere
    # and delta is the size of the maximum sliding window
    # (delta = -1 means the size is automatically computed)
    scans = (
        { level = 2; delta = -1; },
        { level = 4; delta = -1; }

    # Output to export potential sources
    potential: {

        # format = "undefined";
        format = "json";

        interface: {
            # type = "blackhole";
            type = "socket"; ip = ""; port = 9001;


# Sound Source Tracking


    # Mode is either "kalman" or "particle"

    mode = "kalman";

    # Add is either "static" or "dynamic"

    add = "dynamic";

    # Parameters used by both the Kalman and particle filter

    active = (
        { weight = 1.0; mu = 0.3; sigma2 = 0.0025 }

    inactive = (
        { weight = 1.0; mu = 0.15; sigma2 = 0.0025 }

    sigmaR2_prob = 0.0025;
    sigmaR2_active = 0.0225;
    sigmaR2_target = 0.0025;
    Pfalse = 0.1;
    Pnew = 0.1;
    Ptrack = 0.8;

    theta_new = 0.9;
    N_prob = 5;
    theta_prob = 0.8;
    N_inactive = ( 150, 200, 250, 250 );
    theta_inactive = 0.9;

    # Parameters used by the Kalman filter only

    kalman: {

        sigmaQ = 0.001;


    # Parameters used by the particle filter only

    particle: {

        nParticles = 1000;
        st_alpha = 2.0;
        st_beta = 0.04;
        st_ratio = 0.5;
        ve_alpha = 0.05;
        ve_beta = 0.2;
        ve_ratio = 0.3;
        ac_alpha = 0.5;
        ac_beta = 0.2;
        ac_ratio = 0.2;
        Nmin = 0.7;


    target: ();

    # Output to export tracked sources
    tracked: {

        # format = "undefined";
        format = "json";

        interface: {
            # type = "blackhole";
            # type = "socket"; ip = ""; port = 9000;
        type = "terminal";




    # Mode is either "dds", "dgss" or "dmvdr"

    mode_sep = "dds";
    mode_pf = "ms";

    gain_sep = 1.0;
    gain_pf = 10.0;

    dds: {


    dgss: {

        mu = 0.01;
        lambda = 0.5;


    dmvdr: {


    ms: {

        alphaPmin = 0.07;
        eta = 0.5;
        alphaZ = 0.8;        
        thetaWin = 0.3;
        alphaWin = 0.3;
        maxAbsenceProb = 0.9;
        Gmin = 0.01;
        winSizeLocal = 3;
        winSizeGlobal = 23;
        winSizeFrame = 256;


    ss: {

        Gmin = 0.01;
        Gmid = 0.9;
        Gslope = 10.0;


    separated: {

        fS = 44100;
        hopSize = 512;
        nBits = 16;        

        interface: {
            type = "file";
            path = "separated.raw";


    postfiltered: {

        fS = 44100;
        hopSize = 512;
        nBits = 16;        

        interface: {
            type = "file";
            path = "postfiltered.raw";




    frameSize = 1024;
    winSize = 3;
    tauMin = 32;
    tauMax = 200;
    deltaTauMax = 7;
    alpha = 0.3;
    gamma = 0.05;
    phiMin = 0.15;
    r0 = 0.2;    

    category: {

        format = "undefined";

        interface: {
            type = "blackhole";


surebak commented 6 years ago

When the interface is 'terminal' it seems all work fine.

taospartan commented 6 years ago

If you run netcat on port 9001 (nc -l 9001) first, then run odas live, that should work.

Hope this helps

Sent from my iPad

On 12 Jul 2018, at 15:57, surebak wrote:

Hi, Thanks for developing this nice tool. I really appreciate it.

What I want to achieve is sending SSL(sound source localization) information to other machine using respeaker 4 mic array with raspberry pi.

So, my basic understanding is ODAS can send JSON data through websocket. isn't that right?

But I keep seeing this message

pi@raspberrypi:~/odas/bin $ sudo ./odaslive -c respeaker_4_mic_array.cfg Sink pots: Cannot connect to server And my configuration is like below

Configuration file for ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array (a hat for Raspberry Pi)

version = "2.1";


raw: {

fS = 16000;
hopSize = 128;
nBits = 32;
nChannels = 4; 

# Input with raw signal from microphones
interface: {
    type = "soundcard";
    card = 2;
    device = 0;



mapping: {

map: (1, 2, 3, 4);



general: {

epsilon = 1E-20;

    hopSize = 128;
    frameSize = 256;

    mu = 16000;
    sigma2 = 0.01;

    mu = 343.0;
    sigma2 = 25.0;

mics = (

    # Microphone 1
        mu = ( -0.0405, +0.0000, +0.0000 ); 
        sigma2 = ( +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000 );
        direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
        angle = ( 80.0, 90.0 );

    # Microphone 2
        mu = ( +0.0000, +0.0405, +0.0000 ); 
        sigma2 = ( +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000 );
        direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
        angle = ( 80.0, 90.0 );

    # Microphone 3
        mu = ( +0.0405, +0.0000, +0.0000 ); 
        sigma2 = ( +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000 );
        direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
        angle = ( 80.0, 90.0 );

    # Microphone 4
        mu = ( +0.0000, -0.0405, +0.0000 ); 
        sigma2 = ( +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000, +0.000 );
        direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
        angle = ( 80.0, 90.0 );


# Spatial filters to include only a range of direction if required
# (may be useful to remove false detections from the floor, or
# limit the space search to a restricted region)
spatialfilters = (


        direction = ( +0.000, +0.000, +1.000 );
        angle = (80.0, 90.0);



nThetas = 181;
gainMin = 0.25;


Stationnary noise estimation

sne: {

b = 3;
alphaS = 0.1;
L = 150;
delta = 3.0;
alphaD = 0.1;


Sound Source Localization

ssl: {

nPots = 4;
nMatches = 10;
probMin = 0.5;
nRefinedLevels = 1;
interpRate = 4;

# Number of scans: level is the resolution of the sphere
# and delta is the size of the maximum sliding window
# (delta = -1 means the size is automatically computed)
scans = (
    { level = 2; delta = -1; },
    { level = 4; delta = -1; }

# Output to export potential sources
potential: {

    # format = "undefined";
    format = "json";

    interface: {
        # type = "blackhole";
        type = "socket"; ip = ""; port = 9001;


Sound Source Tracking

sst: {

# Mode is either "kalman" or "particle"

mode = "kalman";

# Add is either "static" or "dynamic"

add = "dynamic";

# Parameters used by both the Kalman and particle filter

active = (
    { weight = 1.0; mu = 0.3; sigma2 = 0.0025 }

inactive = (
    { weight = 1.0; mu = 0.15; sigma2 = 0.0025 }

sigmaR2_prob = 0.0025;
sigmaR2_active = 0.0225;
sigmaR2_target = 0.0025;
Pfalse = 0.1;
Pnew = 0.1;
Ptrack = 0.8;

theta_new = 0.9;
N_prob = 5;
theta_prob = 0.8;
N_inactive = ( 150, 200, 250, 250 );
theta_inactive = 0.9;

# Parameters used by the Kalman filter only

kalman: {

    sigmaQ = 0.001;


# Parameters used by the particle filter only

particle: {

    nParticles = 1000;
    st_alpha = 2.0;
    st_beta = 0.04;
    st_ratio = 0.5;
    ve_alpha = 0.05;
    ve_beta = 0.2;
    ve_ratio = 0.3;
    ac_alpha = 0.5;
    ac_beta = 0.2;
    ac_ratio = 0.2;
    Nmin = 0.7;


target: ();

# Output to export tracked sources
tracked: {

    # format = "undefined";
    format = "json";

    interface: {
        # type = "blackhole";
        # type = "socket"; ip = ""; port = 9000;
  type = "terminal";



sss: {

# Mode is either "dds", "dgss" or "dmvdr"

mode_sep = "dds";
mode_pf = "ms";

gain_sep = 1.0;
gain_pf = 10.0;

dds: {


dgss: {

    mu = 0.01;
    lambda = 0.5;


dmvdr: {


ms: {

    alphaPmin = 0.07;
    eta = 0.5;
    alphaZ = 0.8;        
    thetaWin = 0.3;
    alphaWin = 0.3;
    maxAbsenceProb = 0.9;
    Gmin = 0.01;
    winSizeLocal = 3;
    winSizeGlobal = 23;
    winSizeFrame = 256;


ss: {

    Gmin = 0.01;
    Gmid = 0.9;
    Gslope = 10.0;


separated: {

    fS = 44100;
    hopSize = 512;
    nBits = 16;        

    interface: {
        type = "file";
        path = "separated.raw";


postfiltered: {

    fS = 44100;
    hopSize = 512;
    nBits = 16;        

    interface: {
        type = "file";
        path = "postfiltered.raw";



classify: {

frameSize = 1024;
winSize = 3;
tauMin = 32;
tauMax = 200;
deltaTauMax = 7;
alpha = 0.3;
gamma = 0.05;
phiMin = 0.15;
r0 = 0.2;    

category: {

    format = "undefined";

    interface: {
        type = "blackhole";


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surebak commented 6 years ago

@taospartan Thanks! Now it seems working. But from other machine, how can I get this JSON data? Any instruction or tutorial for this? I tried to read through Websocket (, but it didn't work out.

taospartan commented 6 years ago

You could use node.js there are plenty of socket tutorials for this, or play around with python again lots of examples for this. Just depends on what your overall aim is and what language you are comfortable in.

In the odas config just change to which IP address you want to send the json to.

Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Jul 2018, at 10:34, surebak wrote:

@taospartan Thanks! Now it seems working. But from other machine, how can I get this JSON data? Any instruction or tutorial for this? I tried to read through Websocket (, but it didn't work out.

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