introlab / rtabmap

RTAB-Map library and standalone application
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Displaying Covariance in the Render loop #1218

Open Genozen opened 9 months ago

Genozen commented 9 months ago

Hello, I would like to display the localizationCovariance computed after the rtabmapEvents_ has some values in the list in the Render loop so I could display the value onto the iPhone screen (and maybe create a sphereical covariance visualization).

The goal is to help visualize how well (or uncertain) the pose estimation is on each update, and in events of high covariance (drift), I would want to just trust the angular rotation so that the orientation is maintained, then re-estimate the linear motion after covariance is reduced from loop-closure, better lighting in the environment, or normal motion by the user.

In the render loop, I've added some code to read the localizationCovariance from the rtabmapEvents_ which is a list that only gets appended when there's activity happening. However, when camera is in abnormal state (insufficient feature, accessive motion), the rtabmapEvents_ no longer gets called nor adds any values into it and the list renders size of 0.

                if(rtabmapEvents_.size()) {
//                    std::cout << "Rtabmap events found ----- " <<std::endl;
                    cv::Mat localizationCov = rtabmapEvents_.back()->getStats().localizationCovariance(); //NH added to get covariance
//                    cv::Mat localizationCov = rtabmapEvents.back()->getStats().localizationCovariance(); //NH added to get covariance
                    for(int i = 0; i < localizationCov.rows; ++i) {
//                        std::cout <<<double>(i, i) << " ";

Is there a way to continue estimating the odometry covariance even though the camera is in abnormal states, and send it to the render loop for display? because I think the pose is still getting computed... but in the `rtabmapThread` the `process()` does not get called..., where therefore makes `rtabmapEvents_` not having anything stats appened into the list.
matlabbe commented 9 months ago

If the pose is null, it means ARKit cannot output a pose, so the mapping node will likely ignore updating and the rtabmapEvents will be empty till the pose can be recomputed.

Do you mean that if ArKit tracking state is in any other state than "normal", you would still want a covariance value?

In that code, we won't forward any pose to rtabmap if the tracking is not normal.

Genozen commented 9 months ago

Hi @matlabbe, yes that's the hope to continue computing covariances based on updated pose from ARKit.

I've verified in the ViewController.Swift that the pose still gets computed by the ARKit (there's values) even when the camera status are excessiveMotion insufficientFeatures since the accept = true is still valid and therefore executes the rtabmap?.postOdometryEvent(...)

I've narrowed down to the RtabMap.Swift where the update is managed in this if statement:

I then create an else case to try to continue perform postOdometryEvent with some dummyData:

                var dummyDepthDataPtr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = nil // Dummy depth pointer
                var dummyDepthSize: Int32 = 0                         // Dummy depth size
                var dummyDepthWidth: Int32 = 0                        // Dummy depth width
                var dummyDepthHeight: Int32 = 0                       // Dummy depth height
                var dummyDepthFormat: Int32 = 0                       // Dummy depth format

                var dummyConfDataPtr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = nil  // Dummy conf pointer
                var dummyConfSize: Int32 = 0                          // Dummy conf size
                var dummyConfWidth: Int32 = 0                         // Dummy conf width
                var dummyConfHeight: Int32 = 0                        // Dummy conf height
                var dummyConfFormat: Int32 = 0                        // Dummy conf format

                var dummyBufferPoints: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = nil // Dummy buffer points
                var dummyBufferPointsCount: Int32 = 0                 // Dummy buffer points count

                print("----------error log----------")
                                        pose[3,0], pose[3,1], pose[3,2], quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w,
                              [0,0], // fx
                              [1,1], // fy
                              [2,0], // cx
                              [2,1], // cy
                                        nil, //CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(frame.capturedImage, 0),  // y plane pointer
                                        nil,                                                         // u plane pointer
                                        nil, //CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(frame.capturedImage, 1),  // v plane pointer
                                        1, //Int32(CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(frame.capturedImage, 0)) * Int32(CVPixelBufferGetHeightOfPlane(frame.capturedImage, 0)),  // yPlaneLen
                                        1, //Int32(CVPixelBufferGetWidth(frame.capturedImage)),           // rgb width
                                        1, //Int32(CVPixelBufferGetHeight(frame.capturedImage)),          // rgb height
                                        1, //Int32(CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(frame.capturedImage)), // rgb format
                                        dummyDepthDataPtr, // depth pointer
                                        dummyDepthSize,    // depth size
                                        dummyDepthWidth,   // depth width
                                        dummyDepthHeight,  // depth height
                                        dummyDepthFormat,  // depth format
                                        dummyConfDataPtr, // conf pointer
                                        dummyConfSize,    // conf size
                                        dummyConfWidth,   // conf width
                                        dummyConfHeight,  // conf height
                                        dummyConfFormat,  // conf format
                                        dummyBufferPoints, dummyBufferPointsCount, 4,
                                        v[3,0], v[3,1], v[3,2], quatv.x, quatv.y, quatv.z, quatv.w,
                                        p[0,0], p[1,1], p[2,0], p[2,1], p[2,2], p[2,3], p[3,2],

Trying to bypass this portion correctly without compromising any pose estimation embedded inside:

The problem with this is yPlaneLen == rgbWidth*rgbHeight does not match since I'm sending dummy data of 1. Is there a way to bypass these values correctly?

matlabbe commented 9 months ago

Can you keep the rgb data as usual? The rgb frame I think should be always available.