Revise all post-processing features using RGB and or depth images (RTAB-Map standalone, rtabmap-databaseViewer, rtabmap-export)
Point cloud generation functions would need to be updated
ROS1 and ROS2 wrappers would need to be updated
Android/iOS code would need to be updated
Add new ways to visualize all image types (e..g, ImageView)
Add new options to generate point cloud data depending on the image layers we want and their effect. For example: I want to generate point cloud from only high confidence depth values and apply segmented class ID as color on it.
At the same time, we may revise how we differentiate between right and depth images in the database (they are saved under same field, only their type differentiate them):
That could help to support new workflows with RTAB-Map:
Downstream changes to support this new feature: