introlab / rtabmap

RTAB-Map library and standalone application
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Build successfully on Windows, but crash when view point clouds. #303

Open ask8655ok opened 5 years ago

ask8655ok commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone, I have successfully built Rtabmap from the source code on Windows 10. However, after I used xtion pro/ xtion 2/ realsense d435 to scan something, I would like to view the point cloud with mesh and texture. So I clicked [Edit]->[View point clouds...]->check [Meshing]->check [Texture mapping], and waited for the processing. And Rtabmap crashed. image

VS shown that Rtabmap crashed at rtabmap_gui.dll, and that the unhandled exception condition was 0xC0000005.

The following is my building environment,

CMake 3.12.0, Qt 5.11.1, Visual Studio 2017 Rtabmap source code version: 0.17.3. (Version 0.16.3 crashed as well.)

Info : Version : 0.17.3 CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = C:/Program Files/RTABMap CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE =
CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR = lib BUILD_APP = ON BUILD_TOOLS = ON BUILD_EXAMPLES = ON CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS = /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /GR /EHsc -openmp PCL_DEFINITIONS = -DSSSE3 -DSSE2 -DSSE;-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB;-DDISABLE_OPENNI;-DDISABLE_ENSENSO;-DDISABLE_DAVIDSDK;-DDISABLE_DSSDK;-DDISABLE_RSSDK;-DDISABLE_PCAP;-DDISABLE_PNG;-DFLANN_STATIC With OpenCV 3 xfeatures2d module (SIFT/SURF/BRIEF/FREAK) = NO (not found, License: BSD) With Freenect = NO (libfreenect not found) With OpenNI2 = YES (License: Apache v2) With Freenect2 = NO (libfreenect2 not found) With Kinect for Windows 2 = NO (Kinect for Windows 2 SDK not found) With dc1394 = NO (dc1394 not found) With FlyCapture2/Triclops = NO (Point Grey SDK not found) With TORO = YES (License: Creative Commons [Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike]) With g2o = YES (License: BSD) With GTSAM = NO (GTSAM not found) With VERTIGO = YES (License: GPLv3) With cvsba = NO (cvsba not found) With libpointmatcher = NO (WITH_POINTMATCHER=OFF) With loam_velodyne = NO (WITH_LOAM=OFF) With ZED = NO (ZED sdk not found) With RealSense = NO (librealsense not found) With RealSense2 = YES (License: Apache-2) With OCTOMAP = YES (License: BSD) With CPUTSDF = NO (CPUTSDF not found) With OpenChisel = NO (open_chisel not found) With libfovis = NO (libfovis not found) With libviso2 = NO (libviso2 not found) With dvo_core = NO (dvo_core not found) With okvis = NO (okvis not found) With ORB_SLAM2 = NO (WITH_G2O should be OFF as ORB_SLAM2 uses its own g2o version) With Qt5 = YES (License: Open Source or Commercial)

Please help me solve this problem. I'll appreciate you a lot!! //btw, do I have a pleasure of using the released version 0.17.3? I'll appreciate that a lot, too!!

matlabbe commented 5 years ago

What is the version of VTK used? You may try this artifact to see if it is working. If so, look at the dependencies listed in this file used to build the artifact.

cheers, Mathieu

ask8655ok commented 5 years ago

The version of VTK I used is 8.0. I downloaded "PCL 1.8.1" and there were many libraries contained in the folder "3rdParty", like Boost, Eigen, VTK, etc. Should I download these libraries individually? Besides, I have tried the artifact(0.17.4). It works! Then I read the dependencies lists, and it seems that the version of VTK the artifact(0.17.4) used is 6_3. Does the difference of the two versions cause the crashing problem? Thank you for replying me!!

matlabbe commented 5 years ago

I know that with VTK8 on Ubuntu, the PCL visualizer cannot show a mesh with texture, though it should not crash (mesh will be only shown in white). On Windows, it may crash. I had a lot of problems on Windows to get all libraries at the right versions so that all visualization functionalities work. I cannot help more than that. Unless you need a specific version of a third party library, you may download each one linked in that file.

ask8655ok commented 5 years ago

After I replaced all the libraries I used with those mentioned in your dependency list(except for Qt(5.11.1), OpenNI2(Asus Xtion 2 version), RealSense2, GTSAM(I failed...) ), Rtabmap runs successfully and peacefully. Thanks!!

But, there is another problem here... This morning I

included gtsam, set GTSAM_DIR to 'C:/Program Files/GTSAM/CMake', set GTSAM_INCLUDE_DIR to 'C:/Program Files/GTSAM/include', and set GTSAM_LIB to 'C:/Program Files/GTSAM/lib/libgtsam.lib',

and then a linker error came up. The error msg was

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'gtsam.lib' (in rtabmap_core.vcxproj)

I could only find libgtsam.lib so I tried to set the path 'gtsam.lib' to 'C:/Program Files/GTSAM/lib/libgtsam.lib' in [rtabmap_core.vcxproj's Project properties]->[linker]->[input]->[Additional Dependencies].

Then the error msg became lots of different error msgs, like

libgtsam.lib(LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "declspec(dllimport) public: cdecl boost ::timer::cpu_timer::cpu_timer(void)" (imp_??0cpu_timer@timer@boost@@QEAA@XZ) referenced in function "public: bool cdecl gtsam::Levenbe rgMarquardtOptimizer::tryLambda(class gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph const &,class gtsam::VectorValues const &)" (?tryLambd a@LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer@gtsam@@QEAA_NAEBVGaussianFactorGraph@2@AEBVVectorValues@2@@Z)

Have I done something wrong? Or this error on Windows is unavoidable....

matlabbe commented 5 years ago

It seems the boost version is not the same. If you built GTSAM yourself, see step 8 here. There is a patch to apply and GTSAM library should be built as static to avoid some errors.