introlab / rtabmap

RTAB-Map library and standalone application
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How does ORB SLAM work in RTABMAP? #707

Open MrOCW opened 3 years ago

MrOCW commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone, apologies if this is a stupid question. I am quite new to robotics and trying to pick it up on my own. Just wondering how does ORB SLAM come into the picture with RTABMAP? Does it provide an additional layer for more accuracy? It runs along side the SLAM algorithm that RTABMAP originally uses or will RTABMAP use only ORB SLAM instead for mapping?

matlabbe commented 3 years ago

In Figure 1 of this paper, you can see the overall modules used in RTAB-Map. ORB-SLAM has been integrated as an Odometry approach inside RTAB-Map (optional). We use it like a blackbox (the front-end), which outputs the pose of the current frame that is fed to RTAB-Map's graph management (back-end). Loop closure detection done by ORB-SLAM is disabled. Loop closure detection and graph optimization are done by RTAB-Map so that we can correctly update the output occupancy grid or OctoMap. Unlike ORB-SLAM, we don't do global bundle adjustment on loop closure, only poses are optimized (we don't track a global feature map). Final results may be less accurate, but optimization can be done faster (and in real-time). Note that in some sequences in KITTI and EuRoC datasets (in the paper), ORB2-RTAB integration scores better than ORB-SLAM2 alone, though theoretically global bundle adjustment would give always better accuracy than only pose-graph optimization. though will always be slower than optimizing only the poses.

Other differences between ORB-SLAM2 integrated in RTAB-Map and standalone ORB-SLAM2:

sumitsarkar1 commented 3 years ago

@matlabbe do we have ORB_SLAM3 with IMU integrated with RTABMAP now...coz I was seeing one of the updates which said RTABMAP has ORBSLAM3 but without IMU....I am sorry if I got something wrong

MrOCW commented 3 years ago

@matlabbe Thanks for the detailed reply! For the benefit of myself and others trying to install RTAB-Map with ORB-SLAM in the future, can I just check if the following steps are correct to install RTAB-Map with ORB-SLAM2 or 3 integration for ROS using RViz (to avoid issues with Qt, VTK, etc)? I am using a Jetson Xavier NX (JetPack 4.4 DP, L4T 32.4.2) with a Realsense D435i camera.

Will simply getting the package from ROS distribution work with ORB-SLAM already?


Kindly fill in any steps that I have missed

  1. Install ROS
  2. Install your necessary camera libraries
  3. Build or Install via PPA: GTSAM (optional)
  4. Build OpenCV 3+ with contrib and -D OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=1
  5. Build ORB-SLAM2/3 with ROS integration
    • use sudo make install for Pangolin instead of cmake --build . as it causes an error /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpangolin collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status when running catkin_make on rtabmap_ros
  6. Build RTAB-Map from source with
    export ORB_SLAM_ROOT_DIR=/home/...../src/ORB_SLAM2/3
    git clone rtabmap
    cd rtabmap/build
    cmake .. -DWITH_G2O=OFF -DWITH_Qt=OFF
    sudo make install
  7. Make sure opencv folder is in /usr/include, Install ROS move-base
    cd ~/catkin_ws
    git clone src/rtabmap_ros
    catkin_make -j1
MrOCW commented 3 years ago

@matlabbe Do you have any suggestions for the other parameter tuning for ORB-SLAM2 + RTAB-Map besides Odom/Strategy 5 and OdomORBSLAM/VocPath ?

matlabbe commented 3 years ago

In your install instructions, you may add the following patches: ORB-SLAM2: ORB-SLAM3:

ORB_SLAM related parameters:

rtabmap --params  | grep ORBSLAM
Param: OdomORBSLAM/Bf = "0.076"                            [Fake IR projector baseline (m) used only when stereo is not used.]
Param: OdomORBSLAM/Fps = "0.0"                             [Camera FPS.]
Param: OdomORBSLAM/MapSize = "3000"                        [Maximum size of the feature map (0 means infinite).]
Param: OdomORBSLAM/MaxFeatures = "1000"                    [Maximum ORB features extracted per frame.]
Param: OdomORBSLAM/ThDepth = "40.0"                        [Close/Far threshold. Baseline times.]
Param: OdomORBSLAM/VocPath = ""                            [Path to ORB vocabulary (*.txt).]

Also some ORB/FAST related parameters are used in ORB implementation used by ORB_SLAM (the ORBextractor parameters that you see in ORB_SLAM2 config files):

MrOCW commented 3 years ago

@matlabbe may I know the implications of the -march = native? I am able to run ORB2-RTab even with ORB-SLAM2 compiled with -march = native

matlabbe commented 3 years ago

If you can, great! In my experience, I had often problems (rtabmap doing a Segmentation Fault on start) when g2o, gtsam, pcl were not compiled all with or without "-march=native". This flag is related to Eigen.

FPSychotic commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm going to implement ORB_slam2 or 3 with rtabmap, are still needed the parches with the most recent rtabmap releases? I have now 0.2.14/15 in ros1/2 I think