introlab / rtabmap_ros

RTAB-Map's ROS package.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Please help me. OpenCV xfeatures2d: true, but the results seem to be the same even if different feature algorithms are used. #1171

Open kuacboss opened 3 weeks ago

kuacboss commented 3 weeks ago

rtabmap --version RTAB-Map: 0.21.5 PCL: 1.10.0 With VTK: 7.1.1 OpenCV: 4.2.0 With OpenCV xfeatures2d: true With OpenCV nonfree: true With ORB OcTree: true With SuperPoint Torch: false With Python3: false With FastCV: false With OpenGV: false With Madgwick: true With PDAL: false With TORO: true With g2o: true With GTSAM: true With Vertigo: true With CVSBA: false With Ceres: false With OpenNI2: true With Freenect: false With Freenect2: false With K4W2: false With K4A: false With DC1394: true With FlyCapture2: false With ZED: false With ZED Open Capture: false With RealSense: false With RealSense SLAM: false With RealSense2: true With MYNT EYE S: false With DepthAI: false With libpointmatcher: true With CCCoreLib: false With Open3D: false With OctoMap: true With GridMap: true With cpu-tsdf: false With open chisel: false With Alice Vision: false With LOAM: false With FLOAM: false With FOVIS: false With Viso2: false With DVO: false With ORB_SLAM: false With OKVIS: false With MSCKF_VIO: false With VINS-Fusion: false With OpenVINS: false

This is the result of my rtapmap --version

As shown in the photo above, even if various feature algorithms are used, the feature point extraction results are almost similar or the same.



Here is the code I ran: roslaunch rtabmap_demos demo_robot_mapping.launch args:="--Vis/FeatureType ex_ORB, SIFT, SUFT etc." rosbag play --clock demo_mapping.bag

I installed it like the code below.

Experts, please help.. Thank you in advance.

matlabbe commented 2 weeks ago

You have to change Kp/DetectorStrategy to same value than Vis/FeatureType. Also, if you are using opencv binaries as dependency, you may not have access to all types of features, in that case you should see warnings/errors in the terminal about that.