introlab / rtabmap_ros

RTAB-Map's ROS package.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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How to fix the map. Using Oak-D-Pro-W. Very noisy map, not suitable for Nav2 #1228

Open mizrex opened 4 weeks ago

mizrex commented 4 weeks ago

I realized, I posted, this issue in the wrong repo, so, moving it here. I've tried playing with various parameters within rtabmap ( Grid/CellSize, Grid/ClusterRadius, Grid/MinClusterSize, Grid/MaxGroundAngle, Grid/MinGroundHeight etc. As it was suggested in other posts, but nothing seems to resolve it. I'm including the db file here along with the Rviz screenshots for reference. You can see how the visual odom thinks that it's going within the ground. Not sure where to fix that. If it's a camera issue, or something in the TFs ? map_rtabmap3 map_rtabmap4 map_rtabmap5

matlabbe commented 3 weeks ago

Is the IMU published by the camera? If not, there could be a small angle difference between IMU and camera frames.

For the grid, many obstacles are caused by the ceiling: Screenshot from 2024-10-26 14-55-20

Setting Grid/MaxObstacleHeight to 1 meter: image

The disparity estimation gives also points under the ground detected as obstacle, we can filter them by setting a minimum ground height with Grid/MinGroundHeight=-0.15: image

The have a more dense occupancy grid, assuming it is a 2D robot, you can disable Grid/3D and enable Grid/RayTracing: Screenshot from 2024-10-26 15-01-55

mizrex commented 3 weeks ago

@matlabbe , thank you so much for getting back and looking into this with such detail. I tried your suggestions and they worked like a charm. Thanks a lot for resolving this. Yes, the IMU is provided by the camera. However, I'm running into a new issue now. With featureless walls. (I can put this on a new issue, if you like?) In the map shown below, the red region is supposed to be a hallway. But you can see how it perceives it as an open space. It's a featureless hallway. Is there a parameter, I can tweak to make it see it? Here is the db file accompanying this map. map_rtabmap_1028_hallwayIssue_2 ` import os from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory from launch import LaunchDescription from launch_ros.actions import Node from launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescription from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource

def generate_launch_description():
                 'Grid/MaxGroundHeight': '-0.15',
                #  'Grid/MaxGroundAngle': '10.0',
                #  "Odom/Strategy": '1',

    remappings=[('imu', '/imu/data')]

    return LaunchDescription([

        # Launch camera driver
                get_package_share_directory('depthai_examples'), 'launch'),
                launch_arguments={'depth_aligned': 'false',
                                  'enableRviz': 'false',
                                  'monoResolution': '400p'}.items(),

        # Sync right/depth/camera_info together
            package='rtabmap_sync', executable='rgbd_sync', output='screen',
            remappings=[('rgb/image', '/right/image_rect'),
                        ('rgb/camera_info', '/right/camera_info'),
                        ('depth/image', '/stereo/depth')]),

        # Compute quaternion of the IMU
            package='imu_filter_madgwick', executable='imu_filter_madgwick_node', output='screen',
            parameters=[{'use_mag': False, 
            remappings=[('imu/data_raw', '/imu')]),

        # Visual odometry
            package='rtabmap_odom', executable='rgbd_odometry', output='screen',

        # VSLAM
            package='rtabmap_slam', executable='rtabmap', output='screen',

        # Visualization
            package='rtabmap_viz', executable='rtabmap_viz', output='screen',

Further, I also have an on-board lidar, that can provide laserscan or pointcloud data. To improve the detection in case of such featureless hallways. But, I don't know how, I can add the lidar as a backup (with the Oak-D) being the primary.

matlabbe commented 3 weeks ago

With pure stereo, that is an issue: Screenshot from 2024-10-30 18-44-40

If you can add texture somehow on the wall, that would help to see obstacles on it at least.

What kind of lidar do you have? In your parameters, you could add 'subscribe_scan':True, and in the remappings, add 'scan': 'your/scan/topic'.

mizrex commented 3 weeks ago

@matlabbe , thank you for the advise. It worked great. For some reason, it didn't work directly with the lidar's point-cloud (it's a Helios-32 from Robosense). But when I passed it through the point_cloud_assemblernode, it worked fine. I passed /assembled_cloud instead of /robosense_points. However, I'm running into a new issue, where the initial map that comes out is great, but as I move the robot, the map deteriotes badly. I'm attaching the db file and the screen-recording of Rviz for your review. I was hoping you might have a better idea as to what is causing it. If I can somehow, get the quality of that first map repeat in all the subsequent mapping.

matlabbe commented 2 weeks ago

You may want to do icp_odometry instead (example here). There is a lot of drift or you didn't set correctly the fixed_frame_id of point_cloud_assembler, causing point_cloud_assembler to not correctly assemble the point clouds.

I would not use point_cloud_assembler until the mapping is debugged.

borongyuan commented 1 week ago

I recommend setting "Grid/FlatObstacleDetected" to false. Because the data from stereo depth estimation is noisy. Even after decimation and filtering, it is still easy to generate some small clusters when performing ground segmentation. Either you need to carefully tune the cluster related parameters. In addition, I wrote a parameter tuning tool to improve the performance of the SGBM pipeline in OAK. Our new configurations may be released in the future.