I'm trying to do remote mapping on ROS2.
Every time I'm trying to subscribe using the rgbd_relay node to the rgbd_sync node the rgbd sync node crashes with this error:
[rgbd_sync-1] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' [rgbd_sync-1]
what(): can't compare times with different time sources
I think the problem is with that line at rgbdsync.cpp:
if ( lastCompressedPublished + rclcpp::Duration(1.0/compressedRate_) > now())
A workaround would be to not use compressed_rate parameter, otherwise this should be debugged. Time is handled differently on ROS2 than ROS1, stuff like that can be broken in ROS2. I am opened for pull requests.
Hi, I'm trying to do remote mapping on ROS2. Every time I'm trying to subscribe using the rgbd_relay node to the rgbd_sync node the rgbd sync node crashes with this error:
I think the problem is with that line at rgbdsync.cpp: if ( lastCompressedPublished + rclcpp::Duration(1.0/compressedRate_) > now())