Open abylikhsanov opened 2 years ago
The localization_pose delay is large, so in RVIZ we we only the pose 2 seconds in the past:
rostopic delay /localization_pose
subscribed to [/localization_pose]
WARNING: may be using simulated time
average delay: 1.984
min: 1.984s max: 1.984s std dev: 0.00000s window: 2
average delay: 2.083
min: 1.984s max: 2.181s std dev: 0.09839s window: 3
average delay: 2.098
min: 1.984s max: 2.197s std dev: 0.09230s window: 5
For some reason rtabmap node requires 2 seconds to process the input data. We would need the debug output log to debug more (add args="--udebug"
in rtabmap's xml attributes) .
I have encountered something strange. The topic /localization_pose had either delayed messages or slightly out of the real position of the robot but rtabmap still managed to correctly publish map -> odom tf. I am attaching a rosbag where you can clearly see what I am talking about.
The launch file is: