Before you make a Pull Request, read the important guidelines:
Issue Link :link:
Is this a bug fix or a feature?
Adding additional capability to enable deselect functionality on click on TableView row item
Does it break any existing functionality?
No, as the code marked as optional
Goals of this PR :tada:
Why is the change important?
To enable bulk edit functionality the row item need to select/deselect based on the user click.
What does this fix?
Expose the deselect API
How far has it been tested?
Didn't impact to any other functionality
How Has This Been Tested :mag:
Please let us know if you have tested your PR and if we need to reproduce the issues. Also, please let us know if we need any relevant information for running the tests.
User Interface Testing
Application Testing
Test Configuration :space_invader:
Xcode version:
11 Pro
iOS version || MacOSX version
Things to check on :dart:
[x] My Pull Request code follows the coding standards and styles of the project
[x] I have worked on unit tests and reviewed my code to the best of my ability
[x] I have used comments to make other coders understand my code better
[x] My changes are good to go without any warnings
[x] I have added unit tests both for the happy and sad path
[x] All of my unit tests pass successfully before pushing the PR
[x] I have made sure all dependent downstream changes impacted by my PR are working
Before you make a Pull Request, read the important guidelines:
Issue Link :link:
Goals of this PR :tada:
How Has This Been Tested :mag:
Please let us know if you have tested your PR and if we need to reproduce the issues. Also, please let us know if we need any relevant information for running the tests.
Test Configuration :space_invader:
Things to check on :dart: