Hello! I am trying to create a new Tax Code and associated Tax Rate using DataService from the SDK. According to API documentation for TaxCode and TaxRate, we should use the TaxService API resource to create these entities. I tried using DataService to create a new 'GST' tax code like so:
dataservice.Add<Q.TaxService>(new Q.TaxService
TaxCode = "GST",
TaxRateDetails = new Q.TaxRateDetails[]
new Q.TaxRateDetails
TaxRateName = "GST",
RateValue = 5.0m,
TaxApplicableOn = Q.TaxRateApplicableOnEnum.Sales,
TaxAgencyId = craId // TaxAgency ID of the Canada Revenue Agency
Running this code gives me the following exception:
IdsException: BadRequest. Details: Operation Could not find resource for relative : /v3/company/.../taxservice of full path: https://c51.sandbox.qbo.intuit.com/qbo51/v3/company/.../taxservice?minorversion=52&requestid=d6b495206d634ffe8dce3b7fe20176f6 is not supported. ,
at void Intuit.Ipp.Exception.IdsExceptionManager.HandleException (IdsException idsException)
at T Intuit.Ipp.DataService.DataService.Add<T> (T entity)
ValidationException: Validation Exception was thrown.Details:Operation Could not find resource for relative : /v3/company/.../taxservice of full path: https://c51.sandbox.qbo.intuit.com/qbo51/v3/company/.../taxservice?minorversion=52&requestid=d6b495206d634ffe8dce3b7fe20176f6 is not supported..
(Note: I have replaced my actual Realm ID with '...')
It looks like DataService is POSTing to the wrong URL, it should be /v3/company/(REALM_ID)/taxservice/taxcode instead of /v3/company/(REALM_ID)/taxservice according to the API documentation. I can successfully create a new TaxCode and TaxRate using HttpClient like so:
string craId = "..."; // "Canada Revenue Agency" ID retrieved from querying TaxAgency resource
string realmId = "..."; // Realm ID retrieved from Intuit page "Manage Sandbox Companies"
string accessToken = "..." // Access token retrieved from Intuit page "OAuth 2.0 Playground"
using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
// Set access token
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
// Some fields do not serialize correctly with newtonsoft using QB types, use anonymous objects instead
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
new // Q.TaxService
TaxCode = "GST",
TaxRateDetails = new object[] // Q.TaxRateDetails[]
new // Q.TaxRateDetails
TaxRateName = "GST",
RateValue = 5.0m,
TaxApplicableOn = Q.TaxRateApplicableOnEnum.Sales,
TaxAgencyId = craId
// Set endpoint path correctly
UriBuilder endpoint = new UriBuilder("https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com/");
endpoint.Path = $"/v3/company/{realmId}/taxservice/taxcode";
endpoint.Query = "minorversion=55";
// Execute the POST
var data = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = await client.PostAsync(endpoint.Uri, data);
string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
It would be nice if I could avoid HttpClient and use only DataService for this.
Hello! I am trying to create a new Tax Code and associated Tax Rate using DataService from the SDK. According to API documentation for TaxCode and TaxRate, we should use the TaxService API resource to create these entities. I tried using DataService to create a new 'GST' tax code like so:
Running this code gives me the following exception:
(Note: I have replaced my actual Realm ID with '...')
It looks like DataService is POSTing to the wrong URL, it should be
instead of/v3/company/(REALM_ID)/taxservice
according to the API documentation. I can successfully create a new TaxCode and TaxRate using HttpClient like so:It would be nice if I could avoid HttpClient and use only DataService for this.
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