intuit / QuickBooks-V3-PHP-SDK

Official PHP SDK for QuickBooks REST API v3.0:
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Unable to query `RecurringTransaction` #459

Open baaskoen opened 2 years ago

baaskoen commented 2 years ago

I'm on version: ^6.0 and I'm trying to get all RecurringTransaction:

$dataService = (new QuickbooksClient())

$results = $dataService->Query('SELECT * FROM RecurringTransaction');

Then an exception is thrown:

Message: Exception appears in converting Response to XML.
File: v3-php-sdk/src/DataService/DataService.php
Line: 1035

I'm not getting this exception in other queries.

baaskoen commented 2 years ago

This is the content of $responseBody before it throws an exception:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<IntuitResponse xmlns="" time="2022-09-14T01:17:47.511-07:00">
    <QueryResponse startPosition="1" maxResults="1">
            <Invoice domain="QBO" sparse="false">
                    <Name>Crew #</Name>
                <CurrencyRef name="United States Dollar">USD</CurrencyRef>
                        <ItemRef name="Services">1</ItemRef>
                        <ItemAccountRef name="Services">1</ItemAccountRef>
                    <Description>Accusantium quasi.</Description>
                        <ItemRef name="Services">1</ItemRef>
                        <ItemAccountRef name="Services">1</ItemAccountRef>
                    <Name>My company name</Name>
                <CustomerRef name="My company name">65</CustomerRef>
                <CustomerMemo>THIS IS RECURRING</CustomerMemo>
                    <Line1>123 Sierra Way</Line1>
                    <Line2>San Pablo, CA 87999 US</Line2>
fdalcin commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue and it appears to be a problem with the IPPRecurringTransaction class, I was debugging to see if I could better understand what was happening and this is what I got

[2022-11-23 19:32:44] local.ERROR: Property QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPRecurringTransaction::$Invoice does not exist.
Class QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPRecurringTransaction {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Property QuickBooksOnline\\API\\Data\\IPPRecurringTransaction::$Invoice does not exist. 
Class QuickBooksOnline\\API\\Data\\IPPRecurringTransaction at /app/vendor/quickbooks/v3-php-sdk/src/XSD2PHP/src/com/mikebevz/xsd2php/Bind.php:135)
rberlin01 commented 1 year ago

Bump. Running into the same issue and have confirmed the above reports.

cliffordvickrey commented 1 year ago

The problem is that the XSD, and the code extracted from there, doesn't match what comes back from the API.

My hacky fix:


// before API calls
if (!class_exists(\QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPRecurringTransaction::class, false)) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/Polyfill_IPPRecurringTransaction.php';

The "polyfill" with a fixed entity:


// Polyfill_IPPRecurringTransaction.php

namespace QuickBooksOnline\API\Data;

use function get_class;
use function property_exists;

 * @xmlNamespace
 * @xmlType IntuitEntity
 * @xmlName IPPRecurringTransaction
 * @var IPPRecurringTransaction
 * @xmlDefinition The Recurrence Transaction Object
class IPPRecurringTransaction extends IPPIntuitEntity
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlName IntuitObject
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IntuitObject
    public $IntuitObject;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName Bill
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPBill
    public $Bill;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName Purchase
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPPurchase
    public $Purchase;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName CreditMemo
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPCreditMemo
    public $CreditMemo;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName Deposit
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPDeposit
    public $Deposit;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName Estimate
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPEstimate
    public $Estimate;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName Invoice
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPInvoice
    public $Invoice;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName JournalEntry
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPJournalEntry
    public $JournalEntry;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName RefundReceipt
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPRefundReceipt
    public $RefundReceipt;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName SalesReceipt
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPSalesReceipt
    public $SalesReceipt;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName Transfer
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPTransfer
    public $Transfer;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName VendorCredit
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPVendorCredit
    public $VendorCredit;
     * @xmlType element
     * @xmlNamespace
     * @xmlMinOccurs 0
     * @xmlName PurchaseOrder
     * @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPPurchaseOrder
    public $PurchaseOrder;

     * Initializes this object, optionally with pre-defined property values
     * Initializes this object and it's property members, using the dictionary
     * of key/value pairs passed as an optional argument.
     * @param dictionary $keyValInitializers key/value pairs to be populated into object's properties
     * @param boolean $verbose specifies whether object should echo warnings
    public function __construct($keyValInitializers = array(), $verbose = FALSE)
        foreach ($keyValInitializers as $initPropName => $initPropVal) {
            if (property_exists('IPPRecurringTransaction', $initPropName) || property_exists('QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPRecurringTransaction', $initPropName)) {
                $this->{$initPropName} = $initPropVal;
            } else {
                if ($verbose)
                    echo "Property does not exist ($initPropName) in class (" . get_class($this) . ")";
} // end class IPPRecurringTransaction