Open baaskoen opened 2 years ago
This is the content of $responseBody
before it throws an exception:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<IntuitResponse xmlns="" time="2022-09-14T01:17:47.511-07:00">
<QueryResponse startPosition="1" maxResults="1">
<Invoice domain="QBO" sparse="false">
<Name>Crew #</Name>
<CurrencyRef name="United States Dollar">USD</CurrencyRef>
<ItemRef name="Services">1</ItemRef>
<ItemAccountRef name="Services">1</ItemAccountRef>
<Description>Accusantium quasi.</Description>
<ItemRef name="Services">1</ItemRef>
<ItemAccountRef name="Services">1</ItemAccountRef>
<Name>My company name</Name>
<CustomerRef name="My company name">65</CustomerRef>
<CustomerMemo>THIS IS RECURRING</CustomerMemo>
<Line1>123 Sierra Way</Line1>
<Line2>San Pablo, CA 87999 US</Line2>
I'm having the same issue and it appears to be a problem with the IPPRecurringTransaction
class, I was debugging to see if I could better understand what was happening and this is what I got
[2022-11-23 19:32:44] local.ERROR: Property QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPRecurringTransaction::$Invoice does not exist.
Class QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPRecurringTransaction {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Property QuickBooksOnline\\API\\Data\\IPPRecurringTransaction::$Invoice does not exist.
Class QuickBooksOnline\\API\\Data\\IPPRecurringTransaction at /app/vendor/quickbooks/v3-php-sdk/src/XSD2PHP/src/com/mikebevz/xsd2php/Bind.php:135)
Bump. Running into the same issue and have confirmed the above reports.
The problem is that the XSD, and the code extracted from there, doesn't match what comes back from the API.
My hacky fix:
// before API calls
if (!class_exists(\QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPRecurringTransaction::class, false)) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/Polyfill_IPPRecurringTransaction.php';
The "polyfill" with a fixed entity:
// Polyfill_IPPRecurringTransaction.php
namespace QuickBooksOnline\API\Data;
use function get_class;
use function property_exists;
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlType IntuitEntity
* @xmlName IPPRecurringTransaction
* @var IPPRecurringTransaction
* @xmlDefinition The Recurrence Transaction Object
class IPPRecurringTransaction extends IPPIntuitEntity
* @xmlType element
* @xmlName IntuitObject
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IntuitObject
public $IntuitObject;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName Bill
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPBill
public $Bill;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName Purchase
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPPurchase
public $Purchase;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName CreditMemo
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPCreditMemo
public $CreditMemo;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName Deposit
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPDeposit
public $Deposit;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName Estimate
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPEstimate
public $Estimate;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName Invoice
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPInvoice
public $Invoice;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName JournalEntry
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPJournalEntry
public $JournalEntry;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName RefundReceipt
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPRefundReceipt
public $RefundReceipt;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName SalesReceipt
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPSalesReceipt
public $SalesReceipt;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName Transfer
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPTransfer
public $Transfer;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName VendorCredit
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPVendorCredit
public $VendorCredit;
* @xmlType element
* @xmlNamespace
* @xmlMinOccurs 0
* @xmlName PurchaseOrder
* @var com\intuit\schema\finance\v3\IPPPurchaseOrder
public $PurchaseOrder;
* Initializes this object, optionally with pre-defined property values
* Initializes this object and it's property members, using the dictionary
* of key/value pairs passed as an optional argument.
* @param dictionary $keyValInitializers key/value pairs to be populated into object's properties
* @param boolean $verbose specifies whether object should echo warnings
public function __construct($keyValInitializers = array(), $verbose = FALSE)
foreach ($keyValInitializers as $initPropName => $initPropVal) {
if (property_exists('IPPRecurringTransaction', $initPropName) || property_exists('QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPRecurringTransaction', $initPropName)) {
$this->{$initPropName} = $initPropVal;
} else {
if ($verbose)
echo "Property does not exist ($initPropName) in class (" . get_class($this) . ")";
} // end class IPPRecurringTransaction
I'm on version:
and I'm trying to get allRecurringTransaction
:Then an exception is thrown:
I'm not getting this exception in other queries.