While doing a a dump, I get a warning at the caller:
warning: BibTeX::Value#respond_to?(:_dump) is old fashion which takes only one parameter
I do not know ruby much but editing lib/bibtex/value.rb:277 to include a second parameter as def respond_to?(method, include_all=false) fixes the warning. Apparently, this class does not have any private/protected methods and so include_all need not be used in the method's body.
Using Ruby 2.1.2.
While doing a a dump, I get a warning at the caller:
I do not know ruby much but editing lib/bibtex/value.rb:277 to include a second parameter as
def respond_to?(method, include_all=false)
fixes the warning. Apparently, this class does not have any private/protected methods and soinclude_all
need not be used in the method's body.