inukshuk / citeproc-ruby

A Citation Style Language (CSL) Cite Processor
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Problems with CiteProc.process #24

Closed Brixy closed 10 years ago

Brixy commented 10 years ago

Dear all!

I am experiencing problems with CiteProc.process.

The following code works like a charme:

b = BibTeX.parse <<-END
    author = {J. Brown and S. L\\'{e}ss},
    title = {A book},
    publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum},
    year = {2013}

With CiteProc.process nothing “happens” at all:

b = BibTeX.parse <<-END
    author = {J. Brown and S. L\\'{e}ss},
    title = {A book},
    publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum},
    year = {2013}
CiteProc.process b['sample1'].to_citeproc

Hope, anyone can help me! Thank you very much. (Sorry: I don’t know, whether this really is an issue.)

inukshuk commented 10 years ago

This the syntax from the 0.x branch. Starting with the 1.0 release this does not work anymore. Please see the Readme for a more current example. Something like this should work:

cp =
cp.import b.to_citeproc

cp.render :bibliography, id: 'sample1'
Brixy commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much indeed @inukshuk for answering my silly question!

Unfortunately, I am not familiar enough with ruby and helplessly trying to render

  1. a complete .bib bibliography
  2. all entries for a certain keyword, e. g. /ruby/

in alphabetical order.

This is my start:

out = BibTeX.parse(bib).map do |b|
  if b.respond_to?(:to_citeproc)
    array = b[:bibtexkey] # no luck with `bibtexkey`, `key`, `id`
    cp = style: 'my_style', locale: 'de-DE', format: 'html'
    bib_open.convert :latex
    cp.import bib_open.to_citeproc
    cp.render :bibliography , id: 'test_id' # can’t skip id(?)
    b.is_a?(BibTeX::MetaContent) ? b.to_s : ''

If anyone could help me, I’d be super-happy :-) Thank you!

inukshuk commented 10 years ago

The idea is to create a CiteProc::Processor and import all your references. Then you can cite individual references or compile a full bibliography.

cp = style: 'apa', format: 'html', locale: 'en'

# one off references
cp.render :bibliography, id: 'x'

 # one off citation
 cp.render :citation, id: 'x', page: 42

  # full bibliography (sorting etc. according to style rules)
  bib = cp.bibliography

  puts bib.join
Brixy commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot again. I don’t want to be bothersome, really. Hopefully a last question from a ruby newby.

How/where can you include BibTeX-Ruby searches.

Something simple like this will not work:

bib ='your.bib')[/ruby/]
cp = style: 'apa', format: 'html', locale: 'en'
cp.import bib.to_citeproc

Background: The .bib file is just huge but organized with key words. This way I would like to handle all my bibliographies (instead of creating .bib files for each publication).

inukshuk commented 10 years ago

You could do something like this:

Now your processor 'knows' about every item in your bibliography; you can render an item using the item's id. You can then use queries on the BibTeX library and map the result to a list of ids (you may want to apply sorting before you do that). Finally, use the cite processor to render each item using its id.

Note that this assumes your bibliography does not change anymore after you parsed it.

Brixy commented 10 years ago

Strangely, to_citeproc seemed to be the problem.

Now, here is my very simple solution (citations are treated seperately)

bib ='your.bib').convert :latex
bib = bib[/my_search_term/]
cp = style: 'apa', format: 'html', locale: 'en'
cp.import bib# do not use ´.to_citeproc´ here!
cp = cp.bibliography

Thanks a lot for your help and patience, @inukshuk

Brixy commented 10 years ago

Ok, my last comment to this issue ;-)

Just learned about $stdout and this makes everything so easy.

The following code works perfectly. Maybe helpful for someone.

bib ='your.bib').convert :latex
query_results = bib.query(/my_keyword/)
$stdout =
puts query_results
bib = BibTeX.parse(bib).convert :latex
cp = style: 'apa', format: 'html', locale: 'en'
cp.import bib.to_citeproc
cp = cp.bibliography