inukshuk / jekyll-scholar

jekyll extensions for the blogging scholar
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Are there any templates or examples like the one shown in jekyll-scholar-extras #200

Open adinriv opened 7 years ago

adinriv commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to make something like the jekyll-scholar-extras to work. However the link you have has a repository that hasn't been touched since 2015.

I tried to run that repository with this version unsuccessfully. I'm still learning the insides of jekyll and I'm using jekyll-scholar as an easy to use plugin. However, trying to add download links for pdfs or other assets started to be a daunting task.

Is there any template or guide on how to achieve a similar result of that in the jekyll-scholar-extras with the current jekyll-scholar functionalities?

IgnoredAmbience commented 7 years ago

I generate my research group's website using the file repository feature and making use of the ability to associate multiple files with one publication, for example, this publication has a number of files associated with it.

To allow us to reuse our publications across multiple sites, we have split our citation/publication files into their own git repository so we can include it as a submodule. This means that our website source directory structure has a publications directory which contains our publications.bib file, all the documents (pdfs, dataset tarballs etc), and a configuration file defining the file types that the publications repository contains.

We desire the output URL structure to be:

Our site's jekyll-scholar configuration is here. Configuration options we've used here are:

The template used to generate individual publication pages is here. The part of interest is the Source Materials section. We iterate through a predefined list of file types and output a link (using icon and text from the file type list) to the file in the repository if it exists.

Finally, in order to generate the complete biography page, we use a page in the site's root just outputting a {% bibliography %} as normal (which renders each entry using the layout defined by the scholar bibliography_template option). By using a permalink jekyll option we place the rendered bibliography into the /publications/ output directory as index.html.

I hope this helps anyone looking for an example of how this functionality has been used elsewhere. (It seems like it would be worthwhile documenting this use somewhere a bit more permanently.)

inukshuk commented 7 years ago

That's a pretty cool setup. Perhaps we should add a list of 'showcases' to the readme to make it easier to find?

rseac commented 6 years ago

@adinriv There is now a working version of jekyll-scholar-extras. It works with jekyll-scholar 5.10.3.