inukshuk / jekyll-scholar

jekyll extensions for the blogging scholar
MIT License
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Build error when used with github-metadata #346

Closed neerajgangwar closed 1 year ago

neerajgangwar commented 1 year ago


The Jekyll build on Github fails if github-metadata is used along with jekyll-scholar. I faced the following error in the Github Actions build:

/home/runner/work/ `join': no implicit conversion of Jekyll::GitHubMetadata::Value into String (TypeError)
    from /home/runner/work/ `details_link_for'
    from /home/runner/work/ `bibliography_tag'
    from /home/runner/work/ `block in render_items'
    from /home/runner/work/ `each'
    from /home/runner/work/ `each_with_index'
    from /home/runner/work/ `each'
    from /home/runner/work/ `map'
    from /home/runner/work/ `render_items'
    from /home/runner/work/[27]( `render'
    from /home/runner/work/ `render_node_to_output'

The full build logs are available here. This issue seems to be similar to this issue, faced while using github-metadata and jekyll-redirect-from together. I can confirm that the build was successful after removing github-metadata from the dependency list and passing url explicitly in _config.yml.

Thank you in advance!

inukshuk commented 1 year ago

Thanks! This should be fixed in 7.1.1.

neerajgangwar commented 1 year ago

Thank you!