inuyaksa / jquery.nicescroll

nicescroll plugin for jquery - scrollbars like iphone/ipad
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$('html').getNiceScroll().resize(); and resize not working proper in last version #735

Open Allmedialab opened 6 years ago

Allmedialab commented 6 years ago


After some deep testing on 3 different websites (Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4) of the latest version of NiceScroll I discovered like more people did before me in previous issues that there are big problems with resize.

As I roll back to version 3.6.0. till 3.7.3 all my problems with resizing are gone.

When I add $('html').getNiceScroll().resize(); ( from 3.7.4. till the latest version) on what ever element it gives unpredictable outcome and when I don't call the resize as well .

Tested 3 websites against Nice Scroll versions 3.6.0. till the latest version. The last version that resizes without a problem is version 3.7.3. at version 3.7.4. the problems start.

I understand that you are busy, but it would be nice if you took the time to respond. I'm willing to help you with testing if this is necessary.

Regards & Thanks, David

tomgrossman commented 6 years ago

Hi, same problem here :(

Allmedialab commented 6 years ago

Hi, The only thing you can do for now is stick with version 3.7.3. ! It has cost me weeks to find out what was going on and it seems that the developer is not active anymore. Regards, David

mrk1989 commented 6 years ago

Hi.. This bug present also in new version 3.7.6, so we downupgrade to 3.7.3 . I know you can also do an alternative function for resize ()

thursvoid commented 6 years ago

Hi... try this.

disablemutationobserver: true

camambeou commented 6 years ago

@thursvoid You save my ass!!!! BTW, could you explain what that param does??

Allmedialab commented 6 years ago

Tested your suggestion, but unfortunately it doesn't do a thing! Same problems with resizing after page change remains. Went back to version 3.7.3. again to prevent problems.

rejowanahmed commented 4 years ago

See the question below. There are two answers and both work for me. Basically, I have applied the second method(See the second answer) suggested there. Because, it works instantly and the first method doesn't seem to work instantly after the div has been resized.