inuyaksa / jquery.nicescroll

nicescroll plugin for jquery - scrollbars like iphone/ipad
3.6k stars 1.67k forks source link

Problems occur in more than one area. #749

Open Abbey100 opened 6 years ago

Abbey100 commented 6 years ago

my html is like..

<div class="scroll" >
  <div class="wrap-sc">

so, I use the nicescroll as like...

function GetNScroll() { $('.wrap-sc').parent('.scroll').niceScroll('.wrap-sc',{ bouncescroll: false, autohidemode: false })

That is perfectly work. However, in this case -

<!-- the wrapper cont -->
<div class="scroll" >
  <div class="wrap-sc">

     <!-- the first cont -->
     <div class="scroll">
         <div class="wrap-sc">

     <!-- the second cont -->
     <div class="scroll">
         <div class="wrap-sc">


In this case,.. whenever I try to mouse scroll the outside scroll, the inside two scrolls(the first cont's & the second cont's) move together. How to move separate scrolls(but the one is locate inside annother) each other ?