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CS 425 - CS 426 Project
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[CS 426 Project Website] -- Create a webpage for our senior project #110

Closed njirwin closed 5 years ago

njirwin commented 5 years ago

Project Part 1 (PWEB): Project Website Points: 100

Weight in course grade: 6%

Due: Friday February 1, 2019 (initial version)

By the due date, set up an initial website for your CS 426 Senior Project. As the project progresses, you are required to update the website with new material, e.g., additional related project resources, useful links, news on project progress, and some of your project’s deliverables (poster and video).

The grade for the project website will be assigned at the end of the course, after the public Workshop (CoEN Innovation Day) in May 2019. To provide continuity with next year’s CS 426 course, as much as possible please have the website available at least one year after the end of the current semester.

At this point in time, the following should be provided on your project website:

Project title, with the specification that this is a CS 426 Senior Project in Computer Science, Spring 2019, at UNR, CSE Department Team number, name (if you decide to use one) & team member(s) Instructors & external advisor(s) with their affiliation(s) Short project description (recommended size: between 200 and 400 words) Project related resources: Problem domain book Websites useful/related to your project Technical reports, conference papers, and/or journal articles News and other information pertaining to your project topic or components (e.g., technology, hardware, etc.) To the above, you can add other relevant information or related material that you think will enhance your project’s online presentation. Note that while the website could be fairly simple, it should still have good, rich-enough contents and a good appearance. If your project is a website or web-based product, you can use an “About” page to house this information.

For your information, some of the 2018 project websites are still available at: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Please note that these examples are given only as a matter of information, you do not have to follow them – some of these websites may have not received high grades.

By the deadline, please enter a link to your project website in the text entry box in this assignment.

Please note that all project websites will made public through a CS 426 web page accessible outside Web Campus, so avoid posting private information or material that may breach an existing NDA.

njirwin commented 5 years ago

Initial website complete. It is located at: