invainn / ARIA

CS 425 - CS 426 Project
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[Customer Portal] -- My Participants, Edit Existing Participants #128

Closed njirwin closed 5 years ago

njirwin commented 5 years ago

Allow users to update the information for an existing participant by creating an "Edit" button which allows a record to be updated and saved with new information. Suggestion...At the bottom create a button called "Edit An Existing Participant" which pops up a window with that participant's information. Let the fields are modified and at the bottom of the popup window have a "Cancel" and "Save Changes" button. If the information is saved, then it should be reflected in the table.

njirwin commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue. During the May 14th meeting participant entries will be discussed at length to ensure that a good system exists in order to protect minors from privacy concerns.