invainn / ARIA

CS 425 - CS 426 Project
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[Due April 12th] -- Create & Submit Poster Design, CS 426 #188

Closed njirwin closed 5 years ago

njirwin commented 5 years ago

Our project poster is due April 12th. We need to meet to create the poster. After our initial draft is created, Dr. Harris would like us to send it to him ahead of April 12th for feedback. He suggested emailing him Tuesday night so he could review it Wednesday. After receiving his feedback, we will need to update the poster once again and then submit it before the April 12th deadline.

njirwin commented 5 years ago

The PowerPoint from March 26th includes details for how to properly create the poster and what details to include.

njirwin commented 5 years ago

SP2019_IDay Info and Reviews Class Presentation_Feedback_Poster_Video.pptx

njirwin commented 5 years ago

Completed on time...closing now.