invainn / ARIA

CS 425 - CS 426 Project
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Update directory structure, update component names, modify structure for shared components #94

Closed njirwin closed 5 years ago

njirwin commented 5 years ago

All current components in the client directory need to be renamed so that they are more easily understood and distinguished. The directory structure needs to be updated so that it is intuitive for future development and makes a clearer distinction about which components are shared.

njirwin commented 5 years ago

| Proposed Directory Solution |

/client --------/node_modules --------/public --------/src ----------------/actions ----------------/components ------------------------/AccountManagement --------------------------------/AccountCreation --------------------------------/AccountLogin (changed from Login) --------------------------------/ForgotPassword ------------------------/App ------------------------/LandingPage (changed from HomePage) ------------------------/Portals --------------------------------/Shell --------------------------------/SharedPortal --------------------------------/TeacherPortal --------------------------------/AdminPortal --------------------------------/CustomerPortal ------------------------/Misc --------------------------------/HTML5ErrorPages (changed from status codes) ----------------------------------------/404 ----------------------------------------/... ----------------/containers ----------------/reducers /res /server

njirwin commented 5 years ago

please let me know what you guys think

njirwin commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue because it has been rewritten with better clarity, and formatting. The proposed solution is also out of date.