invainn / ARIA

CS 425 - CS 426 Project
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[Application Restructuring] -- Make route patterns uniform between portals #98

Closed njirwin closed 5 years ago

njirwin commented 5 years ago
  1. The three portals do not contain a uniform route-path format. The routes should be updated so that each path follows a similar pattern for each portal.

For example, right now the paths for the Dashboard page are the following:


{/ ADMIN PORTAL /} <Route exact path="/admin/portal" render={props => <Dashboard {...props} userType={0} />} />

{ / TEACHER PORTAL / } <Route exact path="/teacher-portal" render={props => <Dashboard {...props} userType={2} />} />

This should be changed to the following so they all have a common path name that differs only by portal name:

/customer-dashboard /teacher-dashboard /admin-dashboard

njirwin commented 5 years ago

All routes have been updated after the client/ directory and all sub-directories were updated. Task complete.