invenia / Memento.jl

A flexible logging library for Julia
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Include both message and caught error #126

Closed nickrobinson251 closed 4 years ago

nickrobinson251 commented 5 years ago

Currently I write something like this (or some other workaround)

catch err
    err isa ArgumentError || rethrow(err)
    warn(logger, "message...")
    error(logger, err)

But perhaps it should be possible to write this?

error(logger, "message...", err)
rofinn commented 4 years ago

I think the typical pattern for this is to wrap the exception in another exception

nickrobinson251 commented 4 years ago

I am glad there is another way, but I do not know what that means, please can you give an example?

rofinn commented 4 years ago
catch err
    err isa ArgumentError || rethrow(err)
    error(logger, ErrorException("message ... " * sprint(io -> showerror(io, err)))
rofinn commented 4 years ago

If it is a common enough pattern then typically a new container exception type is defined (e.g.,HTTP.IOError, CaptureException). NOTE: There has been some discussion that error shouldn't actually throw an error, but rather just log it and requiring a separate throw.

rofinn commented 4 years ago

Unless I'm mistaken there isn't anything here that Memento needs to fix?

nickrobinson251 commented 4 years ago

error(logger::Logger, msg::AbstractString, e::Excpetion) = error(logger, ErrorException(msg * sprint(io -> showerror(io, e)))?