invenia / Memento.jl

A flexible logging library for Julia
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Add docs Manual section for TestUtils #129

Closed nickrobinson251 closed 4 years ago

nickrobinson251 commented 5 years ago

I find Memento.TestUtils very useful :) thanks!

And the public API for Memento.TestUtils is documented at

But... i have previosuly struggled to find this, and correctly using things like @test_nolog is still always a matter a trial-and-error for me.

I think it'd be useful to add a section on TestUtils to the docs Manual, with examples and to make this useful functionality more prominent

rofinn commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I intentionally didn't want to publicize the functionality too much when I wrote the Memento.Test module as I wasn't entirely happy with the behaviour. I feel like we're using it enough now that we should just document it properly and deprecate any changes we need to make going forward.

nickrobinson251 commented 4 years ago

Did this get added?

nickrobinson251 commented 4 years ago

Yes, to the faq in