Here we can keep track of all the complex validators (dependent on INSPIRE data model) that can be implemented and that should issue either warnings or errors.
The validation might be implemented on the Python side and the editor will just call the URL to get the validation warnings.
[ ] In the publication_information field, 2 cnums are possible in rare situations. Having 2 cnums should trigger a warning.
@harunurhan commented on Wed Sep 21 2016
@jmartinm commented on Tue Sep 06 2016
Here we can keep track of all the complex validators (dependent on INSPIRE data model) that can be implemented and that should issue either warnings or errors.
The validation might be implemented on the Python side and the editor will just call the URL to get the validation warnings.
field, 2 cnums are possible in rare situations. Having 2 cnums should trigger a warning.