inveniosoftware / dojson

Simple pythonic JSON to JSON converter.
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Mappings for field 880 from MARC21 standard #101

Open switowski opened 8 years ago

switowski commented 8 years ago

The LOC specification for 880 seems to be very difficult (impossible?) to map to JSON in a reasonable manner (basically almost all the subfields can be mapped to Same as associated field JSON key, which doesn't make sense) :

Do we have any real life examples for those fields or is this fields unused ? CC @tiborsimko @aw-bib @martinkoehler @fjorba @jma who might know any examples

aw-bib commented 8 years ago

It should occur mainly in multilingual catalogues where the languages catalogued use different scripts, so you can have a Latin transliteration of say Cyrillic or Chinese entities. From join² we do not have examples of this as we do not use it.