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CV generator #314

Closed traviscb closed 10 years ago

traviscb commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2010-10-14

User asking for CV generator in INSPIRE, a la:

Long term, would be good to do.

traviscb commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2010-11-09

Replying to [#314 tbrooks]:

User asking for CV generator in INSPIRE, a la:

Long term, would be good to do.

Bump. More users asking for this. Should be added on top of the BibAuthorID, when rolled out.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by valkyrie (@valkyriesavage) on 2011-07-13

%\cite{Quigg:2011zu} \item%{Quigg:2011zu}

What is that number and how do I get it?

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by hoc on 2011-07-13

This is the texkey, latex uses it as a reference. In the body of the paper you just say \cite{texkey} and it matches it with the \bibitem{texkey} at the end of the paper. It's stored in 035$z

it should be called in the plain latex format.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by valkyrie (@valkyriesavage) on 2011-07-13

Aha! Thank you.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by valkyrie (@valkyriesavage) on 2011-07-13

I'm going to move on to something else for a little while, but I've pushed some stuff to AFS under branch 314-cv_format (for invenio). Comments appreciated!

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-07-14

I'm not paying attention but I noticed Heath said something about texkeys. I've been working on a component to attach texkeys to things at upload time; if you need to make them I can share my bits.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by valkyrie (@valkyriesavage) on 2011-07-15

I don't need to make them, just access them. I figured it out. Thanks, though. :)

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by valkyrie (@valkyriesavage) on 2011-07-15

Uh, do I have to put this in-merge to get comments?

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by valkyrie (@valkyriesavage) on 2011-07-15

Ehh.. for reference I haven't added the output format options to the dropdown box (haven't looked for how to do it), but if you append &of='hcv', 'htcv', or 'tlcv' to your URL (on a site with CFG_INSPIRE_SITE set to True), you should get the HTML CV, the HTML text CV (i.e. no links), and the text LaTeX CV.

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-07-17

Who would you like comments from? If you'd like me to review it I can take care of that tomorrow; I'll mark the ticket email in my inbox as a 'todo'. If you want comments from someone who's actually ever seen CV format before, they've all been traveling, and will probably be happy to comment when they're conscious. You should probably add anyone you want comments from to Cc:

traviscb commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-07-18

Quick review done IRL, regarding some LaTeX changes needed, and probably better to have format defined in a bfe/bft in INSPIRE or similar repo, and the format generator on the Invenio side, a la cite summarizer.

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-07-18

So can I safely ignore this for the time being?

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by hoc on 2011-07-18

Not sure how exactly to see this (maybe I can't over the web?) but I'm looking forward to it. We should put an announcment on the INSPIRE page about this when it's done because so many people have asked for it over the past year or so.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by valkyrie (@valkyriesavage) on 2011-07-19

Fixes pushed.

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-08-04

This is now deployed on -dev and available for testing. See, e.g., And then select for example 'LaTeX CV' from the 'Output format' dropdown.

HOC, TCB, if you approve I'll commit to inspire-ops and deploy to -prod.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by hoc on 2011-08-04

Something strange going on, I get the headers and footers like I should but the papers are missing, it gives: [header deleted] %% LIST OF PAPERS %% Please comment out anything between here and the %% first \item %% Please send any updates or corrections to the list to %%

\end{enumerate} \end{document}

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-08-04

oops, my fault. I think it's fixed now, try again?

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by hoc on 2011-08-04

Hi Joe,

This looks good! A lot of people will be very happy to see this (esp. with job season on the horizon):

A few matters of LaTeX fussiness to address:

  1. {} --> {}
  2. \item{ --> \item%{
  3. \bf% --> \bf
  4. No html, e.g. > (the ampersand is protected, if you really want one, use &)
  5. No blank lines allowed (this one is really weird, but trial and error determined it)
  6. The date in addition to the year in the publication is not necessary, e.g. Phys. Lett. B698, 325-345 (2011)(Dec 24, 2010)
jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-08-09

1-6 are now all solved, but there's on lingering issue that Valkyrie spotted on her way out the door to her new life as a grad student. Apparently < is only < if you happen to have the right font sets installed. So on my machine it renders as ¡ (inverted bang). One way to fix this, according to, is to use some packages that make it explicit that a particular (correct) font family is requested. Another way is apparently to use \textless or \textgreater. The former is simpler than the latter, but the latter seems more likely to be portable and less annoying. Or we can always take the third option and punt.

What do you guys think?

traviscb commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-08-09

Another way to fix it is $>$ which is even more annoying to implement, though \textless will also be annoying to implement, because I think you cannot be in math mode when you use it...and you won't know without counting the even v. odd number of $ in the string before your >... you could do that, or you could leave it be.

I think a great future improvement would be to really handle LaTeX titles correctly in these CV and cut and paste formats. (There are a number of things one could do by parsing to make a better LaTeX title, i.e. detecting when math mode should have been used, translating old style SPIRES titles to TeX, etc etc). I would even suggest making a ticket for it, but don't fix it now.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by hoc on 2011-08-09

Sounds like something where we need to give people an easy way to fix the tex in the titles (like Mike has done for references). They'd have a big incentive to do this.

We could also work ourselves on fixing tex-titles. We should make sure we use the formal Latex \lt and \gt rather than "<" and ">".

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by hoc on 2011-09-02

Currently this format is fixed to show reverse chronological order. Giving sorting options is non-trivial.

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-09-08

This has been merged into master, and also the remaining issues have been separately ticketized (and they're small, besides.)

tiborsimko commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-09-12

Replying to [comment:24 jblayloc]:

This has been merged into master

Is that so? I have not merged "cvfier" into Invenio yet. Does this mean that you would like to merge some other branch instead of valkyrie/314-cv_format? If so, which one?

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-09-12

Oh, right, I'm sorry. My mistake.

It's in inspire-ops, commit 77b482e73e087a58831cb50012717c84c41f375e, which I believe is materially the same as my own branch, '314-cv_format'. I the branch on Valkyrie's repo is ok, but is much older and has gone without a rebase.

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2011-09-13

The INSPIRE side has already been committed to the INSPIRE repo.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by annetteh on 2012-02-08


tiborsimko commented 10 years ago

Originally on 2012-02-10

Replying to [comment:26 jblayloc]:

It's in inspire-ops, commit 77b482e73e087a58831cb50012717c84c41f375e

This commit uses hard coded format names 'hcv', 'htcv', 'tlcv' that do not come with the commit, in spite of the commit log message. So the commit is incomplete. Moreover, the format names being hard coded, but not coming with the commit, this could result in a conflict with an Invenio installation that uses the same output format names for other stuff.

We should either (1) include these formats together with this commit into upstream Invenio (like the hcs format is), customised towards Atlantis demo site conditions, which would permit is to write test cases and stuff, and which would permit other Invenio installations to re-use this format. Or we should (2) use special CV actions for these hard-coded format names only when the CFG_INSPIRE_SITE flag is on, so that no other Invenio installation would get perturbed. (In which case the file would not even have to be included with the upstream Invenio sources.)

Note that the patch you mention does a bit of both approaches, since it commits some parts to Invenio and some parts to INSPIRE, but the parts are not completely consistent. Se need to clean the patch before merging, either in one direction or the other.

invenio-developers commented 10 years ago

Originally by Valkyrie Savage on 2014-01-09

In 13ba19cf8a8ee3d4313426a8f62f1217516821cf:

#CommitTicketReference repository="invenio" revision="13ba19cf8a8ee3d4313426a8f62f1217516821cf"
WebSearch: CV output formats

- introduce hcv, htcv, and tlcv formats
* based on SPIRES html, text, and LaTeX formats (fixes #314)
* alphabetized

Reviewed-by: Samuele Kaplun <>