inveniosoftware / pytest-invenio

Pytest fixtures for Invenio.
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Look into using `ruff` as a linter #93

Open slint opened 1 year ago

slint commented 1 year ago

I was also wondering if we could replace flake8, pycodestyle, etc. with ruff, which is the new kid in the Python linters block:

utnapischtim commented 1 year ago

I am using for the tu-graz-library packages pylint as the analyzing tool. At the time where i made the black PR's i tried also to use pylint on the invenio packages. I think we should try it out, but it might be some work to make it working with the linter. further as i saw on the issues for ruff, there is some effort going on to add pylint errors also to ruff.

utnapischtim commented 1 year ago

i did one test with one bigger package (invenio-rdm-records) @slint

50      F401    [*] `sqlalchemy` imported but unused
47      F841    [*] Local variable `dir_` is assigned to but never used
18      E501    [ ] Line too long (94 > 88 characters)
11      F541    [*] f-string without any placeholders
 2      F811    [ ] Redefinition of unused `test_subjects` from line 224
 1      F821    [ ] Undefined name `RDMRecordService`
 1      E402    [ ] Module level import not at top of file

time: 0.011s

|message id                          |occurrences |
|unused-argument                     |125         |
|invalid-name                        |118         |
|no-member                           |101         |
|redefined-outer-name                |59          |
|fixme                               |41          |
|too-few-public-methods              |37          |
|line-too-long                       |36          |
|use-dict-literal                    |34          |
|consider-using-f-string             |34          |
|too-many-arguments                  |23          |
|unused-import                       |22          |
|arguments-differ                    |21          |
|arguments-renamed                   |19          |
|protected-access                    |17          |
|duplicate-code                      |12          |
|attribute-defined-outside-init      |12          |
|unused-variable                     |11          |
|redefined-builtin                   |11          |
|no-else-return                      |11          |
|inconsistent-return-statements      |11          |
|c-extension-no-member               |9           |
|unnecessary-pass                    |7           |
|unspecified-encoding                |6           |
|unidiomatic-typecheck               |6           |
|raise-missing-from                  |6           |
|implicit-str-concat                 |6           |
|consider-using-sys-exit             |5           |
|too-many-locals                     |4           |
|missing-function-docstring          |4           |
|dangerous-default-value             |4           |
|broad-exception-caught              |4           |
|no-else-raise                       |3           |
|import-outside-toplevel             |3           |
|expression-not-assigned             |3           |
|abstract-method                     |3           |
|useless-object-inheritance          |2           |
|super-with-arguments                |2           |
|misplaced-bare-raise                |2           |
|f-string-without-interpolation      |2           |
|wrong-import-position               |1           |
|wrong-import-order                  |1           |
|unnecessary-lambda                  |1           |
|ungrouped-imports                   |1           |
|unexpected-special-method-signature |1           |
|too-many-lines                      |1           |
|too-many-instance-attributes        |1           |
|superfluous-parens                  |1           |
|stop-iteration-return               |1           |
|pointless-statement                 |1           |
|missing-class-docstring             |1           |
|keyword-arg-before-vararg           |1           |
|function-redefined                  |1           |
|cyclic-import                       |1           |
|assignment-from-no-return           |1           |

time: 27s