[x] in training 10 step 2 the signal receiver already exists and is missing the "arguments" parameter
[x] training 8 has a TODO to be completed (TODO add autonomous exercise)
[x] training 10 step 2, indexer.py already exists and ext.py has a different content
[x] training 15 is empty
[x] start-from.sh copies my-site inside my-site and not just the content of my-site
[ ] it would be nice to explain when things are stored in db and when in elasticsearch (in the context of signals)
[ ] training 11 step 5, invenio records create doesn't exist anymore. This makes the author creation need to be part of the marshmallow schema.
[ ] training 11, the records module config.py doesn't have an entrypoint in the setup.py and therefore the records-files config is not loaded. /files is not registered
[ ] config.py has not consistency in dictionaries, it uses dict() in the solution but {} in the training
Review all tutorials to ensure they work as intended with Invenio v3.2